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aener last won the day on July 12 2024

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Too Much Spare Time

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  1. Really? I find them far nicer than hydraulics. Did you loosen the spring tension at the caliper? I have one on the front of my Cannibal and both on my 456 - regular pads on the 456 though. Organic chucked me over the bars on tech decents one too many times
  2. Avid BB5 with organic pads, SP51 cable outer and an FR5 lever with an SLX RT66 or Storm HC rotor.
  3. That's the most disappointingly accurate summary of trials I've seen in a while
  4. I suggest you just try to not worry about it too much. Your body's instincts are very strong. If you start to tip off the back, you will instinctively want to step off. If you progress with just a little caution then your reactions will learn how to save you from that type of crash, and each time you save yourself the habit will get better. Of course, sometimes there's nothing you can do and you do just land straight on your bum. It doesn't happen often, but it can. Sometimes you can just walk it off, but other times it will hurt a lot. Even if it hurts a lot, your tailbone is VERY strong. Whilst it can break, I've never heard of it happening on a trials bike. Are you particularly worried because your rear brake is not very good? That would be a good reason to replace it. But if the brake is good for you, just keep practicing and don't try to get too adventurous too fast and you will be fine I'll wager everyone on this forum has had a crash like this at some point - some of them light and some of them heavy. It happens, and it hurts, but 99% you will not break your tailbone. Enjoy!
  5. Hope are about the strongest I've come across. There might be chunkier, but the Hopes are chunky enough and well thought out enough that they're fine. They're CNCed from billet. A lot of the others are cast, which means the material is less dense and porous. More dense, more consistent, and not having sharp corners right where all the stress is going through like some others make them pretty damned good. If it settles your mind at all, I broke a Shimano one, a SRAM one and the one that comes specifically with Avid brakes. Then got a Hope and haven't broken one in 18 months. About a year of that was on the rear of a 26" too.
  6. I've not come across other people using them, but I really can't rate the Maxxis Aggressor highly enough. Really nice grip, very forgiving in terms of fold, feels less squirmy than others because of the tread pattern, and basically never pinches even if you're a rough, fat load like me. I got the Exo one, just for pinch protection, and it's great for an all-rounder.
  7. Is it because when the pressure increases, the tape bulges out into the holes, meaning the edges pull inwards? Proper fix would be wider rim tape, if so. You absolutely can just replace the rim tape entirely with sellotape. It works absolutely fine as long as you do enough layers, and it can be exactly the width you need it to be. It's a cozy way of saving 50g for about £1, too (Assuming you did both wheels.) Granted, the holes in your rims are bigger so you might want an extra couple of layers, but I used to run 5 layers and it was fine running 60psi in a 20" wheel using the old Trialtech Square Hole rims. Just make sure the layer touching the rim is upside down, otherwise all manner of shit will get stuck to your wheels and undo your precious weight-saving
  8. It's a little too noisy for the non-foldy! Christ, I hate loud hubs, but unless you take out a mortgage a hub that engages well will almost certainly be loud. Just a sad fact of life, for now. I might experiment with packing some grease in it down the line. The engagements feel so solid that I probably wouldn't rule it out for trials, even. (I definitely would rule it out because it's an aluminium driveshell, but specifically the engagements... They're really positive.)
  9. I went for the HASSNS in the end. I got a stem by them once and it was real nice, so gave them a chance. Essentially a Hope copy, but it's got 3 teeth per pawl so totals 120ep, which is actually more than I wanted but rather that way than the other. Genuinely a decent hub. Got them on Aliexpress at £26 for the pair including skewers and post from China to England
  10. What's The Victorian Law? Road users use the roads therefore have to obey the rules of their usage, whether you're on a bike or in a lorry. The fact this isn't already law is a joke. If "The Victorian Law" says to the contrary then I think it SHOULD be gone back on. The flip side of that is that they should also all be protected by it. I ride to work and nearly get killed every single morning, and again on the way home, purely because people, at best, don't look, at worst, intentionally cut me off/up / sideswipe me into a ditch. I stop at red lights, use cycle paths and don't think I'm physically capable of breaking the speed limit. Even if I used a headcam and had evidence nothing would happen. The big problem they will have in policing this (it won't get through anyway, so no matter) is that bicycles don't have speedometers, so there's no way to know if you're doing 20 or 23. I think it SHOULD be a law, and cyclists SHOULD obey the rules of the road, but the speed aspect specifically is problematic. If you hit and injure someone on a bike, the consequences should be the same as if you were in a car. I never even thought that WASN'T the case
  11. ...But food containers are legit?
  12. I guess you guys are hurting for business with the advent of AI services, huh? Also - why is it always this thread that gets targetted?
  13. I just use SD5s with an FR5 lever. Can't fault them. Work amazingly and cheap as chips. I really don't think it's worth spending any more money than that. The key is to use SP51, as you mentioned. I got the TNN pads and they're fine. Nothing lifechanging. They're just pads. They reliably stop the wheel. SD7 vs FR5 levers: SD7 has the adjustment and so can deliver more power, but I find it makes the brake feel spongier. This is the same when using them with a disc. I currently have an SD7 on the vee because I snapped my FR5 and that's what I had spare, but the FR5 feels stiffer under the finger, and works better as a result. The FR5 is also simpler with just the one moving part, and a fixed anchor. Feels nicer in terms of response, same lever blade shape for ultimate comfort, marginally lighter, cheaper... can't really beat that!
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