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What Video Camera?


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Ive used the search and it wasnt particularly helpful, I know nothing about video cameras but ive got £250 to spend and i want something that can just be plugged into the computer and put straight onto movie maker, is there anything that has decent quality but you dont have to go through all that compressing shit?.

a wide angle lens wouldnt go amiss too...

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i'm not up with whats good for that price, so i'm not gonna say anything.

But just make sure you get mini DV (Y) It's the preferred format these days. Any mini DV camera will plug right in like you want, providing you have a firewire card in your PC. Chances are, you will and if not it's pennies really.

There are plenty for the price but i'll let someone else help out there. I have a canon XM2 and have had that a couple of years, so i'm not sure whats about for your pricerange thesedays.


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i'm not up with whats good for that price, so i'm not gonna say anything.

But just make sure you get mini DV (Y) It's the preferred format these days. Any mini DV camera will plug right in like you want, providing you have a firewire card in your PC. Chances are, you will and if not it's pennies really.

There are plenty for the price but i'll let someone else help out there. I have a canon XM2 and have had that a couple of years, so i'm not sure whats about for your pricerange thesedays.


cheers mate, will do (Y)

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Best thing to get would be a hard drive camera. They are really easy to use, and it records all your clips already split(mine does.MOD which is fine in Vistas movie maker and most editing programs). Simply drang and drop the clips via USB, import to movie maker and select the ones you want! Easier then mini DV by a long shot.

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Best thing to get would be a hard drive camera. They are really easy to use, and it records all your clips already split(mine does.MOD which is fine in Vistas movie maker and most editing programs). Simply drang and drop the clips via USB, import to movie maker and select the ones you want! Easier then mini DV by a long shot.

i searched google for a hard drive camera, and didnt find much that looked good within my price range, has anyone got any links or anything?

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