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I will agree with the people who are saying that they are the most UGLY footware ever....


don't diss them till u have worn them, my dad has some and they are the most comfortable footware i have EVER worn! no joke they are sooooo nice, shame you look like a TW*T wearing them :P


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I had the original jelly shoes when I was a kid they hurt like f**k

the new ones are gay my mum and sister have them and i hate them

teachers have started wearing them too i make a habit of standing on there toes wherever possible

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If they're soo bloody comfey why doesn't someone just bring some out that look half decent?

like, the skin of a normal shoe over one of them?

I'll be sticking to skate shoes thanks.

(edit: typing like a drunken moron!)

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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That site made me laugh quite alot, especially the photo of George Bush in them, says it all. Oh and quote from the blog:

'In the great words of that wise Ancient Grecian, Aesop, "United we stand; divided we fall. Oh, and f**k Crocs."'


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