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What does everyone think to crocs thens?? If you don't know what they are, heres a pic of the most popular style.....


Obviously they're pink, and not to everyones taste so theres....



At first, i thought wtf??! but more and more i see a few people wearing them, and they look kinda cool and comfy.

Well, tonight, popped into meadowhall and there is a croc store, so tried some on, and wow they are sweet :P girlfriend bought me some sea blue ones.

Another thing which attracted me to them is the Jibbitz things, which are lil' things you stick in the holes on the front and personalise your footwear :P


Way more things though than that pic, take a look.....

Crocs page

Jibbitz decoration

Thoughts?? :D

Oh, and the main point in getting them was for Australia :)

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Holey soles are cheaper ;) I was just about to post this topci actually as we've received some (holey soles) at work. My first thought too was, wtf cheap rubber shit why are we selling them at £27.99? wtf

Then I put them on. Now the insole is so comfy, all the little bumps feel great and the springiness from them is quite comfortable too. The only gay thing is at size 9, I have to wear XL and also the little strap thing at the back is utterly useless. Even in a large size which is too small, they felt like they were going to slip off

Not worth it in my opinion. Fun to jump around in for a bit and then you look down and see how stupid you look in them....

Edited by PaRtZ
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i think they're cool, last year when i was in australia loads of people wore them. really convinient for going down the beach and getting sand and crap in them because you can just rinse it out! I owned a pair, they were good for showering in at scatty hostels. really comfy as well. look a little bit silly, but they grown on you. not ideal for riding i would imagine ;)

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My mum has a pair she said they are the most comfy things she has ever worn, i said 'don't you think the ugliness of them out-weights the comfort'.

And she said,

'f**k off dose it, at my age i would prefer to be comfy and look like a belend, than really uncomfortable and probably still look like a belend'.

(well actually she didn't swear but my interpretation :P)

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Possibly the ugliest shows ive ever seen, and only ever seen either really realy young girls(talking 8 or 9 maybe younger) wearing them, or really really old women wearing them(talking 50+), only reason ive noticed them is cause they are like the moon boots a few years back, un-noticably HORRID!

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Quite old them, been around here for a while now.

Yeah, there's nothing new about them

People have been wearing them for bloody years!

As has been said, they're pretty useful for the beach, so a few of the local chicks have them, though barefoot seems to do me fine ;)

Easily 5/6 years old+ though

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Are skate shoes i.e. Etnies not comfortable enough.

And if you want to wear a shoe that keeps your feet cool, just dont wear shoes.

Ask yourself one question, is being penetrated by another man as you bend down to put them on comfortable?

cause that makes sense.....

skate shoes...put it this way, heavy, bulky, in hot weather, not really nicest things on your feet. They are comfortable as i own a fair few pairs. But not practical for when im living in Australia.

As a guy said when he went to oz, many people wearing them, easy to slip on, walk down to beach, and chill.

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