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Heart Feels Like It's Skipping A Beat?


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hi, the past day or so my heart feels like its been skipping a beat, i reasearched it, and found out that it is actually a premature beat and that once you notice it its hard to not notice it, i've read mixed things on this syaing that it will be fine and some saying to consult a doctor.

i was wondering if anyone else has had this?

its not a 24/7 thing, but its weird it comes and goes..


edit:posted in wrong section


Edited by alext
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It'll totally depend on how often the beats are, when they come on etc. Lots of people have 'ectopic' beats which are just random extra beats every now and again which might be what you mean, and are nothing to worry about.

If you're worried about it, go see a doctor.

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Mate the best thing you can do is go and see you doctor and chat about it. Do not post on a trials forum and try and expect a coherent answer to medical problems. your doctor will possibly dismis your cardiac events but maybe he would want you to pop down to your local hospital and have an ECG done some blood test and a full history. People drop dead with heart problems so its not worth messing about. As for the previos poster saying try riding erect, thats nonsense. you could have one in a number of things, ie

long QT syndrome


a sensitive sinoatrial node

foramen ovale


but to name a few of the patholigies of the heart

Smoking can have effects on heart conductivity, so best stop it if you do!!

I possibly proved myself wrong by giving a semi coherent answer!

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I used to sometimes get palpitations (before last year. Not anymore, thank god) which is where your heart beats fast for no reason for a period of time (that's my understanding of it) but since i had a quite bad, in comparison to previous ones, i changed diet, stopped drinking fizzy drinks, cut down majorly on chocolate, don't ever eat crisps and will only eat fast food (maccy deez or something) if i'm in the middle of nowhere, haven't eaten all day and really need something in my stomach.

Try to have less caffine, i've cut out loads and i've been pretty good since.

Still, go to your doctor. I went to a hospital doctor and spoke to her about it, the problem is, if you can't predict when it's gonna happen, they can't really give you a heart rate monitor thing. So, my 'problem' can't be diagnosed as they weren't there to assess it when it happens.

Take it easy too.

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Mate the best thing you can do is go and see you doctor and chat about it. Do not post on a trials forum and try and expect a coherent answer to medical problems. your doctor will possibly dismis your cardiac events but maybe he would want you to pop down to your local hospital and have an ECG done some blood test and a full history. People drop dead with heart problems so its not worth messing about. As for the previos poster saying try riding erect, thats nonsense. you could have one in a number of things, ie

long QT syndrome


a sensitive sinoatrial node

foramen ovale


but to name a few of the patholigies of the heart

Smoking can have effects on heart conductivity, so best stop it if you do!!

I possibly proved myself wrong by giving a semi coherent answer!

i wasnt asking for that, just wonderig if anyone else had had it, it apeeras to be going now.. aint had it for a while, ill cut down on the caffine, i do drink 10+cups of tea every day lmao

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I used to sometimes get palpitations (before last year. Not anymore, thank god) which is where your heart beats fast for no reason for a period of time (that's my understanding of it) but since i had a quite bad, in comparison to previous ones, i changed diet, stopped drinking fizzy drinks, cut down majorly on chocolate, don't ever eat crisps and will only eat fast food (maccy deez or something) if i'm in the middle of nowhere, haven't eaten all day and really need something in my stomach.

Try to have less caffine, i've cut out loads and i've been pretty good since.

Still, go to your doctor. I went to a hospital doctor and spoke to her about it, the problem is, if you can't predict when it's gonna happen, they can't really give you a heart rate monitor thing. So, my 'problem' can't be diagnosed as they weren't there to assess it when it happens.

There are ways around it, but they're expensive and presumably your doctor didn't think it necessary. You can wear 24 hour (Holter) ECG machines and even get a machine implanted which can last for a couple of years.

I had a friend, and his heart rate used to randomly 'jump' to around 200+ bpm, and he'd go dizzy and pass out. Not good. He had that investigated (with a 24 hour ECG I think) and he had what's called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (look it up if you're interested). He's since had a procedure on his heart (thermal ablation) and he's all fine.

I'm not saying you've got anything like that though, I'm sure you don't. People just get palpitations from time to time.

P.S. Google 'Carotid Sinus massage'.

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i wasnt asking for that, just wonderig if anyone else had had it, it apeeras to be going now.. aint had it for a while, ill cut down on the caffine, i do drink 10+cups of tea every day lmao

your serious 10 cups? im assuming thats alot but im not a tea or coffee drinker so i dont know. at peak times for me my heart use to palpitate once every 20secs for 10mins or so, the caffeine (or something else in the pepsi) gave me the shakes too. so its only diluty juice for me :huh:

if you cut down on the caffeine you might get bad headaches, something to do with constriction of blood vessels.

ofcourse the doctor and an ECG would show everything

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P.S. Google 'Carotid Sinus massage'.

Yeah, when i had my bad one, when the quick response doctor (not ambulance) came he told me about that. I've tried it once or twice, but they don't seem to last long enough for me to need it (thank f**k)

My heart races when i sneeze anyone else get it?

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I've suffered from a very strong fast heartbeat from time to time. It will just happen randomly - always whilst riding. The beating is so hard and strong that you can actually see my chest moving through my tshirt and hoodie etc.

Its also not strictly related with just being knackered, as I can lie down to relax for 45mins and it will still be going as fast. Makes me feel very dizzy and weak.

Went to the doctor and was told I have Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).


Andy P

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