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Deng Frames Under £150,,,,,, Link To Shop Inside.


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if you could get any deng frame or zhi frame for £150 or below what would you get?

I am not sure. im tussiling between zhi zm1, adamant a3 and the new gu.

so what would you go for???



Edited by rudoxolty
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if you could get any deng frame or zhi frame for £150 or below what would you get?

I am not sure. im tussiling between zhi zm1, adamant a3 and the new gu.

so what would you go for???

ZHI aren't deng frames are they? Well I thought they weren't.

If they were £150, I'd get two, an A3 long and a python Short.

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Man, im gona feel like a plank but what the feck is Deng? Chinese/korean made frames/parts like echo etc?

Deng is the nickname for the guy who owns Echo, Adamant, GU, ZOO! and I think CZAR but I'm not sure.

Thats why all the bits look the same apart from the logos and basic designs, but they all come in the same array of horribly glaring colours.

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Man, im gona feel like a plank but what the feck is Deng? Chinese/korean made frames/parts like echo etc?

Dunno why people always revert to deng as being a bike , its adament ,czar,gu,zoo,echo he ownes the company that sells them.

Anyway id have a 07 Gu frame :) even though i have one.

Edited by Deonn h
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Can i be the first to say what a turd thread?

Well OK, what if all MOD frames were half price?

I'd buy two Zona Zips, one for best, one for practice. :P

But that in any case is actually quite funny.

Anyway i don't care, Monty Ti will be choice for £150.

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I dont understand this thread :S

Why is they where £150 you going some where like asia where they are that much of cheaper.

Beause if no tthen why not just which frame would you buy.

Poo thread :D

the reason i started tha thread is because iv found a guy from china who sells deng and zhi frames cheap, all the £300 frames are 150 and the zhi is 120. so bleeeeeeeeeh

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