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Why Are People Such f**king c**ts.

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Dad heard smashing and loads of noise outside

We both went out...Looks like someone/a group of people have run up my mums car(dented roof) , jumped to my car(smashed windscreen) then onto my bros brand new 07 seat ibiza and dented the bonnet.

Rung the police..they cant exactly do f**k all. Theres footprints on the cars (diffrent prints ) but that means shit to be honest.

What is f**king wrong with these people..do they go home and think..yer great night lads..f**ked them cars good proper.}

Im in such a f**king bad mood right now. its unbelievable.


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what a bunch of c**ts

score for the insurance companies then


I mean..what f**king world do we live in.. we have to pay more premium..beacuse some fanny decided to kick our cars..

We pay enough f**king insurance already. The moral of the story is..its a win win for the insurance company..lose lose for us people :(

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There was aparently a gang of 13 year olds damaging cars for the hell of it a little north of my area. How do they live the lives? I mean like didnt accure to them that once your 18 your f**ked royaly. I found out that the people who robbed me have also robbed some other bmxers i know so and are too scared to do it anywhere else part from warren so i am going to f**k them up badly (but goodly), what can they do about it? say to the police "a guy i robbed a bike off and i threaten to beat the shit out of him beat me up" fat chance. i hope i will be able to live in a decent area with a 20 mile radius of any twats. im also pissed off but i see your problem is far worse joe :(

if more cars in your area get twated by twats, twat them back by giving the lazy twaty police a call and also give the twaty local newspapers a call to tell other honest people about these action and to warn the twats that they are warns!!!

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I'm really sorry to hear what has happened Joe!

Regarding why they do it... there is an answer, but it's not going to help Joe one bit. It's all about their parental issues IMO?

...world is a f**kin piss take sometimes! :( I hope you get something sorted dude.

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I'm really sorry to hear what has happened Joe!

Regarding why they do it... there is an answer, but it's not going to help Joe one bit. It's all about their parental issues IMO?

...world is a f**kin piss take sometimes! :( I hope you get something sorted dude.

wrong man! sometimes parents but most of the time they are just twats! i call it the twat jean. a guy who lives oppisite me, hes like gangster i'll rob you shit and both his parents are fine togethrr and are pretty rollin in the money. his sister has also caught the twat jean. i think it child issues.

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I suspect then, that they are rolling in money, but not in true, shown love for their kids? I dunno, I don't know them obviously!

...any animal not shown love in their up-bringing just turns out to be an evil, hate filled little b*****d in the end? ...and lets face it, it's only humans who could do such a thing?

...this isn't helping though, f**k em up Joe!

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wrong man! sometimes parents but most of the time they are just twats! i call it the twat jean. a guy who lives oppisite me, hes like gangster i'll rob you shit and both his parents are fine togethrr and are pretty rollin in the money. his sister has also caught the twat jean. i think it child issues.

Yeh, but had their parents brought them up as society want's then they wouldn't be such arseholes.

I have spoken about this sort of thing many times with close mates and we allways come to the same conclusion, it's your upbringing, that defines who you treat other's and get on in life.

Of course there are going to be the exceptions, but in my experiance, you can usually tell what sort of a background someone comes from by how they get on...

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if more cars in your area get twated by twats, twat them back by giving the lazy twaty police a call and also give the twaty local newspapers a call to tell other honest people about these action and to warn the twats that they are warns!!!

If you catch them doing it, and can get to the phone whilst they're doing it, phone up the LAPD and tell them whats happening, if they bullshit about them not being able to do anything, phone them up about 3 mins later, saying 'no need to worry now, i've shot all of them'

They will be round in a flash.

Might not be the best idea though, but a guy in america did it, that's where the idea comes from.

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Argh! They dont want to show up here! Im only round the corner and my mates motorbikes out back :(

Sorry to hear about it, hopefully theres some prints on the car. Was it only your cars? If so who could it be, as they would obviously know you.

Edited by sheehan
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If you catch them doing it, and can get to the phone whilst they're doing it, phone up the LAPD and tell them whats happening, if they bullshit about them not being able to do anything, phone them up about 3 mins later, saying 'no need to worry now, i've shot all of them'

They will be round in a flash.

Might not be the best idea though, but a guy in america did it, that's where the idea comes from.

Which part? Ringing the LAPD or the Shooting everyone

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If you catch them doing it, and can get to the phone whilst they're doing it, phone up the LAPD and tell them whats happening, if they bullshit about them not being able to do anything, phone them up about 3 mins later, saying 'no need to worry now, i've shot all of them'

They will be round in a flash.

Might not be the best idea though, but a guy in america did it, that's where the idea comes from.

Yeah, can't see ringing the Los Angeles Police Department as being a great help when having kids running over your car in the uk.

Sorry to hear it joe, someone did that near us then did it the next week while we were all awake. Saw them, knew who they were and they got arrested for criminal damage. Legal system worked for once :S

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Ah some people these days, a mates brand new Honda 06 tourer had the wing kicked in and keyed along the whole offside of the car yesterday! whats the point?

also another mate woke up Friday morning looked out his window and saw three chavs trying to walk off with his motor bike, he went out with a baseball bat and said "hi lads, what you doing?" one lad was sat on the bike with a helmet, another holding a tool box and one had his head stuck in the fairings trying to hot wire it and they replied "oh just looking" and then ran off.

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Which part? Ringing the LAPD or the Shooting everyone

All of it, i'm sure there will be police around about a minute after telling them you shot them.

Yeah, can't see ringing the Los Angeles Police Department as being a great help when having kids running over your car in the uk.

Go watch some Ali G.

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Unfortunately the world is full of wankers. As the above video demonstrates..

to be honest i dont see whats the matter with that video.... if they want to get tricked out there heads and mix drugs and booze and call themselves a shitty name so what? it didnt really show that they were doing anything to anyone else in it. In southend theres are crews who do protect there patches, i think last year the "kursal crew" killed 4 people or something, there not nice people.

But joe i still stick to what i said drunk last night, if you find out who it is ill be more than happy to try an help you

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Sorry bout my not very helpful replys last night. Twas a bit tipsy and tired and had no control on what I was saying.

Really sorry to hear about that Joe. I would give you a free sub if you didn't so far away. I can't see how they live their shittey little lives and think its a good one? What would annoy me more if one of them came famous and said "well I lived in really shite conditions and didn't have a very good childhood", well fair play for changing but you made it bad for yourself willyhead. If you get anymore news of the incident, keep us updated Joe! (Y)


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many nobheads round here and liverpool, really bad whats happened to some of you guys, had some willy tapdance on my bonney a while back, get loads a dickheads in my shop all the time from bootle down the road, kicked some smackhead out the shop about a week ago for stealin shit and gave him a beating, police came round the other day to look at the tape to see if they recognised him, i was shittin me'sen cas you could see that i was pushin him and throwin him into walls, guy was like "you sure you wern't being a little rough there?" FFS, why should they be protected by laws of a society when they themselves turn their back on it and break these laws! gets me really f**king pissed off this does! bastards the lot of them!

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