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The Weirdest Problem


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I have a very weird problem on my almost-new bike since i've begin learning backhops and pedalkicks. When i pedal backward while on the first gear(of 8 gears total) preparing for pedalkicks, the chain shifts on higher(smaller) gears. So when i put pressure on the pedal to lift the front i hear scratching from the chain getting back on the 1st gear. I would say it happens 1 out of 3 times. It's a horrible sound.

I have a 34 tooth chainring in the front. The Truvativ Ruktion crank has a bashguard instead of a third chainring, my 34T chainring would be a "seconth" chainring and there is room for a smaller first chainring if the holes was drilled for it. So to clearify, i have only one chainring who occupy the space of a seconth chainring(in the middle).

What i did to try to solve the problem is to put spacers between the crank and the chainring to correct the chainline by bringing the chainring closer to the frame. While it did help it didn't solve the problem completely. And i think the chainring was close enough from the start. It was at 51mm from the center of the frame before the modification, now it's close to 47mm. I can't see why a bike with only one chainring can have so much chainline problems. So maybe it's something else.

It's a Norco Ryde 2006 DJ bike. My LBS is too far from home and the other LBSes are wondering why in the hell should i need to pedal backward.

Did somebody experienced these problems before?? Any idea??


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Is your mech properly in line/set up


Nah, i cant be that easy.

its gota be summit tedious like a bent mech hanger or something more expensive!

I've figured that since i'm pedaling backward the mech shouldn't be in cause. The chain shifts on top of the cassette, before going down through the derailleur.

But i did try adjust the derailleur/hanger with no success.

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You need to have a rather 'dialled' mech setup to be able to fakie smoothly. The derailliers just aren't designed to hold the chain while moving backwards. Your best bet is buy a single speed set-up if you are able to use it.

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  • 2 months later...
You need to have a rather 'dialled' mech setup to be able to fakie smoothly. The derailliers just aren't designed to hold the chain while moving backwards. Your best bet is buy a single speed set-up if you are able to use it.

i second that derailliers unless really good and set up perfect wont be much good for pedaling backwards.

im lucky though mine is set up mint and i dont have this problem but i have had it in the past

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I have a DJ/Street bike. So i have a 34T chainring in the front. To get a proper gear ratio for trials riding i need to be on first gear which is left most... as you know. Seconth gear and all the others are working fine. I have a perfectly good chainline for third/fourth/fifth gear which is normal.

It's not my own conclusion. I've red a similar post on another forum and one guy who seems to be very familiar with the problem was saying that it's quite frequent and just get a proper chainline for the gears you use the most. I think it makes sense to me.

Some bikes have this problem, others don't. I don't know why. I would like to know though. Maybe too much friction in the freewheel which loosens the chain on top... so it tries to wrap around the second gear... i don't know. I'm getting a Chris King next week, i'll see.

The problem is... there's no way for me to get a 1.15 ratio with a 34T chainring and a 32-11T cassette if the 32T one is not working properly. Gears near center of my cassette that i should use are 24-26T and it is a way too high gear ratio for me. You need to get a way smaller chainring in the front to be able to use those gears. I'm using 34-28T(seconth gear) for now but my bike is quite heavy. I can't get a good punch.

I could change the crankset but i need a chainguide. There's not much chainguide in existence for 22-26T chainring. There's only one that i know of 'http://www.e13components.com/product_sst.html' but it uses a BMX bottom bracket. So you're kind of limited with the type of crank you can use. I'm wondering if you can modify the sprocket for ISIS though.

Maybe you can buy the whole set just for the chainguide... but it's quite expensive.

I could use a 32T chainring also. I think it's the cheapest solution. Jeff Lenosky uses 32T/28T. I guess it should be good for me.

Edited by neomember
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