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Vga Versus Rgb


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Ey up, just got my hands on a shiny new HD TV upon which I shall be playing my 360 and I have 2 queries that I was hoping you fine people may shed some light on! Firstly, real easy one here, is the standard rgb lead that is supplied with the xbox high definition, as i have seen ones on sale in pcworld which are 'hd rgb leads' whats the diffy??? ay??? And secondly, this ones a teaser, which produces a better picture, HD VGA cable, or HD RGB??? Tell me, please.

Thanks in advance, James.

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All this HD stuff is pretty new on the market, for a deffinate answer your probaly best trying to talk to Currys or Dixons, my guess is that the standard RGB cables cant hold the ammount of information sent by the HD signal, thus you only get a normal picture, no HD quality, so you will need to get some sort of HD cable. It would say in the xbox manual or on the box if it comes with it or not surely?

Im not aware of the differences on the two types of cable though.

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If you own the premium Xbox 360 then you should have a set of component cables. Ignore the yellow lead on this and plug the other 5 into the back of your TV. Also make sure you change the switch on the lead to HD TV.

There are a few arguments on forums on which is better but it seems to be down to personal opinion rather than facts but I do know there are a few games which don't fully support VGA so I'll be sticking with the component cable.

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nice one. il stick with rgb then!

You know the cable in the box isn't RGB though right? It's standard Composite the lowest form of connection for the 360 and non-HD..

Unless you do like endofreak said and use all 5 pins on the original supplied cable which is a Component HD have Cable that way you'd get full high definition.

VGA and Component are about the same it's down to preference, so using the one you have'll be cheaper and no major difference to VGA (Y)

RGB is the best form of Scart but its non-HD and its not the cable you have its seperate it just means the colours are split into Red Green Blue channels to give better colour and a crisper image on a non-HDTV.


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