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Debating Weather To Swtich To Cannon From Nikon


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  UrbanLegend said:
That's fair enough if you want to work for a MTB mag, but Dave said he wants to get into fashion etc...

Plus UK MTB mag's aren't exactly HUGE are they?

True, and yeah, true again, but it seems to pay for his life so he cant be doing all that bad.

  F-Stop Junkie said:
Oh, and spend money on glass, not bodies.

So true. Quality lenses all the way.

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whats the kind of price you could sell your d50 and kit lens for?? £250ish second hand. can buy new 350d's with kit lens for £265(i think, may of changed now)(as ive posted the link in the random photo thread, and is the same bloke i got mine of, and have my receipt somewhere nearby, as i saw it yesterday) buy a 350d, see if you like it, (canons low end stuff seems to be better than nikons, 350/400d > d40/d50 etc.) if you do, then youll sell the 350d for what you payed for it easy(check out ebay, saw a as 350d kit with 4gb card(£15 or whatever from 7dayshop) go for £310 about 3 hours ago) and get a 30d, if you dont like it, then go sell it for what you payed and go back to nikon. zero cost exercise to gauge wether you like them or not,

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Tis dave, well ive come to a conclusion im going for the 30d, ive been watching al kinds of crap on tv recently, and ive seen nothing but cannons, they deffiently dominate the photography industry and i really want to get more in to the professional side of it. i dont want this to sound like nikons are professional, i just want to go with the majority

woo for me.

(thanks mike)

Edited by sexymike
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This thread is stupid.

In terms of market share, sales, etc, I read somewhere that Canon and Nikon have a similar share each, and that almost a similar amount of pro's use both systems.

I think you're worrying (Dave) too much about what you need to try and become a pro. From what I've seen, the people who get noticed are those that follow their interests and feelings, and go out and take photographs instead of trying to do what they think they need to. Any employer that turns someone down because they currently use Nikon over Canon (or vice versa) isn't worth listening to. Most pros that I know use Canon, but others don't. This guy who I actually took out urban exploring once, uses a D200 most of the time, and look what he has achieved.

Personally I've always preferred Nikon cameras to Canon, but I've only used low-end models by both manufacturers (although never owned a Canon). I'd have a D200 over a 30D though, and intend to buy one later in the year.

If I was you, I'd keep using the Nikon, and stop worrying about being a pro and just take photos. Didn't you say your girlfriend had a Canon? How does it compare? Regarding Joe's comment just before you sparked off at him, it sounded like he was saying the employers were talking bollox, not you. Either way, being that photography is his job, like Chris says he's probably your best bet for advice right now...

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Try compare it to trials, do you believe that Koxx's are the best frames and the only way to become professional is to use one, simply because the majority of world champions ride for Koxx?

Change the word Koxx to Canon and frame to camera, and thats exactly what you are saying.

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lol thats a rubbish comparison though as cameras can affect pictures etc. ( koxx v monty would be better lol :P)

to be honest dave neither is better than the other unless you get to 1d or d2x where the difference isnt much and after reading reviews neither is better in real terms (ive heard it said that the nikon has better ergonomics). however the 1ds is a beast and for studio work the best slr you can get but its twice the price of the very capable 1d and d2x. the greater issue is with glass. canon glass in most peoples opinions is better than nikons. especially the telephotos but even so the difference is small and top lenses from both companys are stunning, plus both cameras are open to use any sigma or tamron etc lens.

personally i prefer canon but whatever you stick with your not going to be making a bad decision. I would say that if i was starting from nothing i would go canon ( as i did)

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You'll just be taking pictures you could could have taken on your D50 anyway, but on a 30D. Untill you are spending more than a grand on a body, you may as well stick with your current shit, because it's not suddenly going to make you a better photographer.

However, it's your money, so buy it if you want, just don't expect instant-kudos because you now use a Canon.

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