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im not giving you my email, for all i know it could be some sick scam. surely if you really had found one you would just tell us, i live in hampshire and want to know so can you just be sort of normal and less secretive about it??? im sure no ones going to beat your face in for telling, :S:lol:

its on your profile

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Makes me laugh how so many people have said along the lines of "Why can't you just tell us, probaly spam...... givemelotsofspam@hotmail.com"


Edited by Alan
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*senses massive spam list/virus spreading technique. haha

can anyone who has given their email address confirm whats been sent? And sorry but for a company to send you to do the promotion work is very unprofesssional.... How can anyone buy their stuff when we cant see it? People dont want to be sent emails saying whats for sale. They want pictures so they know in an instant.

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"Hi everyone

I Found this newly started up Biketrials shop

this company is based around hampshire

and they said they wont deliver the products

they sell loads of stuff,

parts like frames from Echo, Zoo ect

and the best part is, its all cheaper

not delivered and stuff

pretty cool

put your email down if you wanna get raped!!

warning actual shop may not exsist!! :o

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