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I Had A Fight With A Car

Danny Kearns

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Hello all. On my way to school this morning on the loverly Adamant. I was riding down a hill on the pavement without a helmet on. I was going down the hill and on the right hand side of me there is drive way leading in to a primary school. So i was coming down the hill at a reasonable speed looking straight in front of me. I got about 10-12 inches from the gate and i could see nothing coming, so i continued as i got right by by the side of the gate a car pulled out. I smashed into the side of the car which proceeded in me smacking my bollox into my stem and head butting her car. I left a dent in the car about 6 inches leng and about half an inch in depth. She got out of the car and asked me if i was ok, i said no not really. She then proceeded to ask if i wanted a lift to the hospital to be checked over, i replied no seeing as i had an exam to get to. I then continued by saying thanks and i am really really sorry about your car, she said thats fine but i will need your address and name and home phone number. I gave them to her and went to school and told them and did my exam and they sent me home.

Where do i stand ?

Is it my fault or hers ?

Will pay for the damage or because she is full comp insured will i not have to ?

Please inform me on any other details i will need to know.


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Hmmm i dont think you'll have to pay up, theres blame on both sides, you shouldnt have been riding too fast on the pavment, but she souldnt have pulled out on a pavment without looking propperly first, so i wouldn't pay out its equal blame, you fix yours she fixes hers knock for knock kinda thing, if she wants anything tell her where to stick it and deny any liability, after a crash you should never say sorry as by saying sorry you are accepting liability for the accient

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Sounds like a fairly grey area. You shouldn't be on the pavement (legally speaking at least) but she shouldn't be pulling out without checking... That said when she gets home and speaks to her hubby he'll probably decide that the damage will cost about £800 to repair and that they shouldn't lose their no claims for some damn kid on stupid a seatless bike... Let us know if you get a call later!!


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I was crossing the road at a proper crossing and there was the green man but i stepped out just as it went off ran across the road and ran into a car that was doing about 35, like hit the wing, ripped wing mirror off done a 720 got up and walked into shop, my legs was f**king killing but i was alright, the shop owner gave me a stool to sit on then the driver came in stuck pen and paper literally under my nose and went name and adress on that so i told him where to go and he waited a while, so i gave it to him just to get him to go, he rang my mum and was like that's £400 worth of damage and my mum went well it was a green man aswell so f**k off and put the phone down, never heard anything since.....

You kind of equal really, she might ask for half money or whatever, tell her no, she's got insurance, she can use it!

Edited by Alan
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Without a helmet they are ;)


wtf? you really saying its legal to ride on the pavement if your not wearing a helmet? hah! It is illegal to ride on the pavement, with or without helmet, full stop. (In fact a helmet it not a legal requirement to ride a push bike, so its irrelevant anyway.) a few people on here will prove that to you with the reciepts from there fines!

you are in a bad position, especially as you said sorry. Yes, she should have looked, however, if the entrance/exit is blind (ie cant see down the path due to hedges/fences ect) then as a driver, i know you have to creep out until you can see, which will put everything forward of a side window out o the exit before she could see anything, so she may not be in error.

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Hello all. On my way to school this morning on the loverly Adamant. I was riding down a hill on the pavement without a helmet on. I was going down the hill and on the right hand side of me there is drive way leading in to a primary school. So i was coming down the hill at a reasonable speed looking straight in front of me. I got about 10-12 inches from the gate and i could see nothing coming, so i continued as i got right by by the side of the gate a car pulled out. I smashed into the side of the car which proceeded in me smacking my bollox into my stem and head butting her car. I left a dent in the car about 6 inches leng and about half an inch in depth. She got out of the car and asked me if i was ok, i said no not really. She then proceeded to ask if i wanted a lift to the hospital to be checked over, i replied no seeing as i had an exam to get to. I then continued by saying thanks and i am really really sorry about your car, she said thats fine but i will need your address and name and home phone number. I gave them to her and went to school and told them and did my exam and they sent me home.

Where do i stand ?

Is it my fault or hers ?

Will pay for the damage or because she is full comp insured will i not have to ?

Please inform me on any other details i will need to know.


Sounds like you've gone the right way about it at least. Wait for her to get in touch, just don't try being clever and perhaps speak to someone (mum or dad) who can you could explain it to more clearly.

If I had to say, i'd say you were in the wrong as you were on the pavement and she wouldn't/shouldn't be expecting a cyclist to be coming down the pavement. But as I say, without a really, REALLY detailed explanation, I couldn't say for sure.

Whatever happens, count yourself lucky, everyone on this forum and especially those who were in abingdon last saturday know only too well how badly wrong car accidents can go.


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Hmm, hit the car but bounced off, does it count? :lol:

Was this gate within a wall or a fence? (as in could you have seen the car coming if you'd looked sideways?). You've pretty much admitted liability, you'd need a bloody good lawyer to argue that you were allowed on the pavement, and if you'd been wearing a lid you wouldnt be sitting with a headache now. With a bit of luck the dent will pull out without too much work.

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oh right, that's clearly totally safe then lol...

depending on the road, it coud be illegal for her to be reversing out. So find out.

She wasnt reversing. She was just coming out and she pulled out way to fast to be coming out of a school.


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She wasnt reversing. She was just coming out and she pulled out way to fast to be coming out of a school.


you should of slowed down anyway as it was a school and there are usually cars leaving/entering the place

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so your head hitting it was a proper on-off moment then?

i blame you, you were on the pavement, its irrelevant if you had a lid or not, you were still on the pavement, which is illegal.

and doubt she would be speeding out of a driveway, unless she was a drag racer...

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so your head hitting it was a proper on-off moment then?

i blame you, you were on the pavement, its irrelevant if you had a lid or not, you were still on the pavement, which is illegal.

and doubt she would be speeding out of a driveway, unless she was a drag racer...

Indeed an on off moment.

There is atleast a 30 metre distance before the gate where she could of gatherd some speed. Its meant to be 5-10 mph out of a school driveway and your meant to go really slow and look both ways. She did neither which proceeded in me bashing in to her car. There was absolutly f**k all i could do to stop myself.


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