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British Championship Kelly Farm

kelly farm trials

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This sunday coming the 17th june the west of england are running a british championship motorcycle trial at kelly farm anyone interested can come along, practice between 4 and 6 on saturday , main trial sunday experts start at 9 .30 british championship contenders at about 11 .

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just to clear up a little confusion, in the beginer and open classes you can ride any wheel size bike and be any age as long as you are over the normal age limits for the size of bike you are riding.

The veteran class at the moment is on the red route , however this will be reviewed if more old boys want it put down one or two routes so pester me here with your opinions

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General information:

This event is suitable for british championship riders in their respective classes , local riders who wish to ride their normal route can do so and compete on a route which is suitable for them, their is a class and an award for them and they are very welcome , enteries for this event are still open

All relevant forms should be available on the website www.ukbiketrial.co.uk , either in downloads or links

The most important thing is to enter the trial ,some you have to pre enter some you can enter on the day, if you are just starting find the club nearest to you and speak to the secetary to find an event that will be suitable for you ,all competitors in the Genuine British Championship can qualify for a free BIU license ,forms are downloadable from the website, if you do not have yours in advance of the day forms can, if necessary be filled in then.

As far as club membership is concerned ,

There are ACU affiliated clubs all over the country, we recommend you join and support your local club each club may make a charge for membership,some to cover the cost of admin or a newsletter some may not charge at all.

To obtain your ACU license you have to fill out an application form ,which will be countersigned by the club which you are a member of,the club will have the forms or ring the ACU on 01788 566400 in advance of the event you would fill out the form and if it is your firist application attach a photo and send with a ten pound fee to the ACU , alternatively you could fill the form out at a trial ,preferably bringing a photo if necesary with you ( if you forget this can be sorted out later)

so everything can be sorted out on the day, it just helps if its before,

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Due to heavy rain this week their is a possibility we may have to postpone the trial , unfortunately whilst the motorcycle trial ensured that the sections were in prime condition . where they churned up the soil it has been affected more by the rain,

we have everything in place for a great trial and i realise from those that i managed to contact last night to warn of the posssibility will be very disapointed , however we have a severe weather warning ( which there is every chance may be totaly wrong) and the sections cannot take any more water, my plan is to visit the course again this morning and make a decision before 12 . However i would ask anybody making a long journey to ring on 01626354714 before leaving especially if you have not pre entered, our intention will be to rerun the event as soon as practicaly possible this season.

best wishes anthony

i will post on here as soon as possible

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yes its deffinite stan !!

boo hoo !

i was well up for a mini road trip too !!!

and kelly farm is usually ace. (quite slippy )

arr well. might see some of you at the sunday brimham tyke trial !!


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I hope we have contacted everyone , if anyone knows of anybody who is travelling who has not pre entered please let them or us know.

It was not an easy decision to postpone when you have the best riders in the country entered and have already invested in awards, firist aid and toilets , and time on arranging caterers, insurance and sections. However we are more concerned with rider safety and enjoyment and we are sure that to run the trial would have been the wrong thing to do.

We realise that you are all disapointed but a decision had to be made while there was still time to rearrange your weekend , and before many of you started the long trip to devon, we have had an additional half inch of rain this morning to go with the two inchs we have had late this week and the forecast is not encouraging

We are actively studying the calender to see when we can re run the event ,however given the condition of kelly and the weather forecast it is unlikely to be as early as next week , we have exciting plans for later in the season and we will be announcing them as soon as possible, i would just like to use this forum to express my thanks for the support ,encouragement and understanding we have recieved this morning

best wishs anthony

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O my well i set off today and im near to bristol. Travelled from liverpool. And ive just been told by dave trials. Ha ha. That was a waste of a journey then. I dont know whether to im home or go down anyway, he the weather is meant to be bad im not sure there is much point. Hmm.

Im just sat im my car at just of a junction. Ah might just im back home.


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