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Ash-kennard Video 4


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ill get the negative out of the way straight off - I don't really like your style.

That doesn't matter when your jumping into delivery lorries, doing 360 endo's and tap to manuals. The rails deserve a mention too cos that was excellent. I don't know what it was about that vid but it was great.

Going to watch your older vids to see how much you've improved, I have a feeling your balls have enlarged the past few months....

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What the hell ? :S . You've improved just abit :blink: . f**king good stuff lad. There's nothing i could fault about that video.

The editing was nice.

The song was mint.

The riding was awesome.

Very varied video enjoyed it loads.

Well done and keep improving.

Danny xx

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KENNARD.....that was definately your best video!! you have got some really swoosh moves in there. liked the rail riding-that was top notch.....but you shudda went from that rail up on top of the telephone box :P

hahaha lmao loved the tap in the lorry-that put a grin on me face.

go ash :)

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Riding was top notch, and the rail lines took some balls as well, so props to you.

But i can't stand that type of music in videos, i think with a lot of recent videos if they had an easier listening song, they'd be miles better. But then i know some people enjoy listening to that music with trials videos, but personally i don't.

Either way, good stuff (Y)

Edited by huck_it
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