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Think Im Talking Bollocks.


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Why can't people get the priorities straight?

I know too many people who go to college and do the absolute bear minimum, just to stay on the course. Is it a fact of keeping their parents happy while not having to do a proper job? What a f**king joke. I work part time in a call centre and can assure you, you don't want to end up earning £5 an hour working 40 hour weeks. That's not a life, its an existence....

SHIT. I have A levels starting next week and I'm only JUST doing enough work. Bongo is right, sort yourself out like I'm trying to for the next 3 and a bit weeks and so long as you've put the work in it'll be fine. These past few days I've been blowing off riding and even the girlfriend trying to make sure I'm getting enough work in. It's gay but it's gotta be done.

Just think of the summer ahead. Gunna be ACE!

EDIT: If you're thinking of Uni too, just think, the better you do now the easier it'll be to get in.

It's also yet ANOTHER good thing to look forward to. Personally I can't wait to get there and start living all by myself. In the middle of Brum... woooooo!

you are like i have been for the past two years, just looking forward to getting school/college out of the way and away to uni.

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That's terrible advice! Not everybody is fortunate enough to be able to pick things up easily and get away without a lot of revision and hardwork. Just because you're lucky enough to be able to blag a few exams doesnt mean everybody else is. You're 20 and handing that out as advice :S

The moral of the story is not what you just said. Its listen to Bongo and his sound advice! Not only wisdom but plant based metaphors. Genius

I didn't think the advice was that bad, considering the guys worried he's not doing enough revision, so instead of revising he made a topic on an online forum.

I also said he didn't have to be lucky and fluke the exams because if he absolutely wants to go to uni then A levels aren't the be all and end all.

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without a C in english language and maths, you won't even get a f**king job, unless it's total wank.

You NEED them, regardless of uni, for your whole life you'll have to call on them two results. Others are handy, but them two are iperative. I had to resit both. I wish i got them first time and saved a year, but tgetting them second time round ended up with me getting my job now, and 6 years in, i know i got a job and a career until i retire, which, with a steady wage, is very comforting.

Get it right and you'll be riding with a clear mind.

Like riding, to get better you gotta work on the stuff you're worst at. So put that to school and get all your results up.


suerly thats not right

so that means

that all the people in my maths set arnt going to get a decent job?

in the math paper im taking you cant get above a d, so your saying im f**ked?

i probaly am, seeing as the only thinkg ill get a c in is ict..

i really cant revise at all, it doesnt sink in.

i think ill get a c in ict which is 4 gcse's which is alright, might get one in food, but english, math and sceince im bollocks with.

ah well..

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suerly thats not right

so that means

that all the people in my maths set arnt going to get a decent job?

in the math paper im taking you cant get above a d, so your saying im f**ked?

i probaly am, seeing as the only thinkg ill get a c in is ict..

i really cant revise at all, it doesnt sink in.

i think ill get a c in ict which is 4 gcse's which is alright, might get one in food, but english, math and sceince im bollocks with.

ah well..

no it means youll have to work a lot harder to get the job, and you may have to work your way up from the floor sweeper of the company. you always hear of the people who left school with no GCSE's,started working sweepin the floor of a poultry proccessing plant, and are now on 150k a year, but they never tell you just how many are still sweepin the floor.

i know, and bongo will clarify this, for bt you need a c in english language, and a c in maths, for the engineering(bt, opernreach, global service) etc, you need 4, and for fleet or wholesale you need 5, you dont have them, it dont matter who you know, where youve worked before,you dont get the job, many other big companies have the same. hence the reason many people resit these in there first year of college. Its not the end of your life if you fail your gcse's but it makes everything easier, i pretty much failed college, and because id done well in school(3 A's, 6 B's , 3 C's) i sauntered into my first 2 jobs.

most colleges also say 5 gcse's for there entry. once youve got A levels, other than eng lang and maths, the other GCSE's pale into insignifance.

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It's not wrong at all mate. The large majority of jobs that are decent things to go for, require Maths and English. It's not even debateable. Yeah of course there are exceptions, but decent employers want to see a C in maths and English, that's the end of it. SImply becasue you have managed to get an alright job without them doesn't mean otherwise, it means you're fortunate, and could have easily lost out to someone higher qualified.

i'm not being argumentative, but on this occasion, i happen to know from experience that i am right, and i'm certain i would be backed up by a lot of people.

Get them or you won't go as far as you could if you had them, that's almost guarenteed. You got for a job with some results and experience, but without them, and someone else goes with the same as you, but has them....you ain't gonna get it. Nevermind that though, becasue when they sieve through the applications, you'll be thrown out anyway becasue for a decent job, they're almost always going to require the C in maths and english.


Well then why is my CV taken up with experience and past jobs, rather then my GCSE's? And is one of the best CVs my employer saw while interviewing people and also the agency that i signed up with(not how i got my job) thought it was excellent and use it to help educate people on CVs. If you were employing someone for a job in say...... Carpentry, would you look at there GCSE's? Or would you look at the 6 years experience, over the guy straight from uni with a A* in maths and english? Honestly as an employer GCSE's mean f**k all! Alot of the subjects you learn at GCSE's go in one ear and out the other, and are swiftly forgotten after the exams. They are there to basically help Uni's and colleges to see how well you studied at school, and to teach you the basics you need before studying in your chosen career!

As a little insight in to my CV here is how much space my GSCE's take up!

6 GCSE’s – Systems and Control Technology, Science, Mathematics, Physical Education, German, English Literature and English Language

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Well then why is my CV taken up with experience and past jobs, rather then my GCSE's? And is one of the best CVs my employer saw while interviewing people and also the agency that i signed up with(not how i got my job) thought it was excellent and use it to help educate people on CVs. If you were employing someone for a job in say...... Carpentry, would you look at there GCSE's? Or would you look at the 6 years experience, over the guy straight from uni with a A* in maths and english? Honestly as an employer GCSE's mean f**k all! Alot of the subjects you learn at GCSE's go in one ear and out the other, and are swiftly forgotten after the exams. They are there to basically help Uni's and colleges to see how well you studied at school, and to teach you the basics you need before studying in your chosen career!

As a little insight in to my CV here is how much space my GSCE's take up!

yea darren its a valid point, but how old are you now, sure your on the wrong side of 20 arent you?? by which time you should have work experience, but if your sub 18 and want to get a non shop/restaurant job, other than the low end manual labouring jobs, GCSE's are the major factor

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i think what bongo is saying is right in the respect that office jobs etc look for things like gcse's,but,trades dont.e.g. electrician,plumber,carpenter,brickie etc.

i was told that i had an apprenticeship waiting for me before i even sat my exams.i did ok,but not great.

moneys fairly good in trades,and you get to do a physical job all day.

so in respect,i agree with both statements made,and think you should kinda listen to both arguments,because it really depends on what kinda job your wanting to do.and anyone who says you cant earn money in a trade is nuts.£1000 a week is easy to come by once fully qualified.


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since the start of year 10 i have been lagging abit at school, not doing homework/coursework and letting the pressure get the best of me in test's.

as a result of lazyness and letting pressure get to me im gettin moved down from the top of set 1, to the bottom of set 2 in my science, and gettin predicted C's and D's in english and maths.

i think my biggest fear is that ill f**k up my gcse's and not get a good job.

PLUS my mum n dad always pressure me at school by sayin stuff like... ''dont f**k up your gcse's/dont get moved down from top sets in school, because later on in life you wont be able to get anywhere''

im pretty sure my ridin has took over my life and all i go to school for is to be allowed to ride my bike at the end of the day,

i doubt any of the above makes any sense but have any of you lot felt the same and if so, have any advice for me?

im worried,


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since the start of year 10 i have been lagging abit at school, not doing homework/coursework and letting the pressure get the best of me in test's.

as a result of lazyness and letting pressure get to me im gettin moved down from the top of set 1, to the bottom of set 2 in my science, and gettin predicted C's and D's in english and maths.

i think my biggest fear is that ill f**k up my gcse's and not get a good job.

PLUS my mum n dad always pressure me at school by sayin stuff like... ''dont f**k up your gcse's/dont get moved down from top sets in school, because later on in life you wont be able to get anywhere''

im pretty sure my ridin has took over my life and all i go to school for is to be allowed to ride my bike at the end of the day,

i doubt any of the above makes any sense but have any of you lot felt the same and if so, have any advice for me?

im worried,


I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, although probably not as bad. Since the start of year 10 it's just got to a point where i've had enough of teachers going on and on at me all the time, and always putting shit down by telling you about test and exams and how you have to do well and try and make you feel guilty for every hour you aren't spending revising or working. I mean fair enough if they want to boost you on to do well, but after a certain point it just takes the piss and puts so much pressure on you, and you end up thinking well f**k it. And if they didn't do that i think i'd have it all under control and be able to cope with it by myself, but seriously with them getting on at you day in day out aint gonna help anyone.

So i tend to just try and split my time up now, and when i have free time i make the most of it and have as much fun as i can (usually going bmxing or being with the girlfriend), and then it puts me in a better mind for work, 'cause it gives you a break from it all.

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Cant really arsed reading through and this has probably been said a million times but...

Base you're life on trials riding and you'll soon be going nowhere. Most of the older lads on here have decent jobs which are a trade/talent and they can afford rent/mortgage, car, trials bike and even other hobbies. Grades are more important than sports at the minute, GCSE's mean sweet FA now, they're a passport to higher education that means something, if you don't have the determination or commitment to study or work hard then its possible you won't get anywhere.

The next 5 years will decide what you do and where you go for the rest of your life, so don't frig it up by riding a bike!

Obviously, its a completely different ball game in some respects, but I had a friend who got into weed in year 10/11, hes pretty much off the stuff now but it f**ked his life up because he couldn't be arsed to revise or turn up for school, no GCSE's what so ever...and the likelyhood of him making something of himself are about 100,000,000 to 1...and its called the National Lottery.


Edit: and the comments about 'test pressure getting to you' and things like that, seriously, get used to it. IF you happened to get a decent job you'll make decisions which could cost you you're job, or in my situation, a prison sentence...it a little more pressured than giving the wrong chance in McDonalds :P

Edited by anzo
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Obviously, its a completely different ball game in some respects, but I had a friend who got into weed in year 10/11, hes pretty much off the stuff now but it f**ked his life up because he couldn't be arsed to revise or turn up for school, no GCSE's what so ever...and the likelyhood of him making something of himself are about 100,000,000 to 1...and its called the National Lottery

I so nearly did that :( I'm really glad i got it sorted a while before my exams although no doubt it will still reflect in my grades.

do you get study leave? just timetable your day, leave aside an hour or two to go riding because it will help you destress then study like f**k the rest of the day.

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We weren't granted study leave and we had to turn up to lessons to just revise...which was pointless and full of distractions so everyone stayed at home. I didn't ride back then but I did do moto-trials, so I just rode in the evenings (as the weather is nice and late summers etc) and revised most of the daytime.

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Reyt. Ive jut been having a convo with my mate deonn on msn about school exams and shiz basically.

Thing is im studying at 6 form atm and i ould really do with the results so i can go uni but i carnt revise because im always thinking about riding n i get stressed till i go out riding.

So because im always riding im not acheiving the grades i should be so im not doing as well. Anyone achive a good career out of life even though theyve ride throughout. I dont really want to ride n ride till im like 20 (well i do) but i mean that i dont want to quit when i get too old n i have no qualifications to do owt good wi my life, i carnt be arsed having a full time job in macy d's.

Any one else have this problem.

This topics aload of bollocks really so feel free to ignore it lol


Short version:

Ridings a hobby, it wont get you anywhere. Stop riding and get off your arse to do some work.

Excessively long version:

You think your the only one who doesn't like revising? Just do it, its not like its hard. Read soemthing enough times and it'll eventually sink in, or find a different method of learning. For me, browsing the internet is a great source of learning... i've learnt countless things by reading them on the net and for some reason they always stick. So maybe try looking through something like wikipedia on things like lower level algebra and stuff. If it doesn't work, try notes or something like that.

You don't even have to really do a lot compared to the rest of your time. If your on study leave, then doing 3-4 hours a day is fine... better than none at all. And you get to have a play on the bike in the time around it.

Don't f**k up and miss out on doing well. I messed up my a levels for 2 years consecutively as the good weather comes about at just the same time as exams. i ended up failing the first year, studying for retakes as well as the rest of the work, then messing up that year a bit too and stopping on ANOTHER year to finish and impove on my messed up grades.

So because of my failure to do any work in the first year, my second was harder and i did worse in that one too... a knock on effect. I regret it a lot, mostly the course choices i made (a level maths ftl) but now i've come out of it and am doing a foundation art course with the promise of a place so long as i pass this year. Now i've been riding again when i should have been working, but i've spent little bits of time doing work in between riding, so now all i have to do is print some pictures out and write up about what i've done for tuesday. It makes everything a lot easier if you put in smoe time every now and again as a contribution to the whole.

I've now got high end gcse's (A, 7xB's, C, D) and some a levels (C, 2xD's, E), and hopefully soon to be a btec diploma. I dont know what i'm going to do when i'm older but theres no money in trials riding (apart from setting up a shop), so get yourself set and then play. Its like 3 weeks, live with it!

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ive read everyones advice in this topic and its made allot of difference to what i think, thus making me come to the conclusion..


when i go back to school on monday im gonna make sure i actually work harder, and possibly try impress some people with how much i know when im older, :lol:

i dont have a f**kin' clue what job im gonna do when im older, all i know is that you dont get anywhere from being a skinny lazy lil b*****d..

BONGO - thanks for great advice,


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Just go with the flow mate tha tswhat i did ended up me sciving to ride but owell thats my fault. revise etc not liek hour on hours people who do that are wierd i dont know how you can revise so much. OK im not the most clever person on here but that dont matter. You cant help thinking about riding its what you do etc its like football. I bet David Beckham couldnt stop thinking of football when he was our age ok so hes loaded etc thats got nothing to do with it he wasnt loaded then i bet he didnt think h ewould be.

I went with the flow and got average grades now im doing a carpentry course where 732 people applied and 18 passed and im one of them its a great oprtunity and basically if i pass this and they take me on i wont have to worry about money

just do what you thinks right people all think differant.

maybe some will say no dont ride when you have exmas its bad. If you dont you will just get stressed and go skitts lol

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Just go with the flow mate tha tswhat i did ended up me sciving to ride but owell thats my fault. revise etc not liek hour on hours people who do that are wierd i dont know how you can revise so much. OK im not the most clever person on here but that dont matter. You cant help thinking about riding its what you do etc its like football. I bet David Beckham couldnt stop thinking of football when he was our age ok so hes loaded etc thats got nothing to do with it he wasnt loaded then i bet he didnt think h ewould be.

I went with the flow and got average grades now im doing a carpentry course where 732 people applied and 18 passed and im one of them its a great oprtunity and basically if i pass this and they take me on i wont have to worry about money

just do what you thinks right people all think differant.

maybe some will say no dont ride when you have exmas its bad. If you dont you will just get stressed and go skitts lol

I hope someone realises that there are over 700 people who thought 'f**k gcse's ill just become a carpenter' who now are f**ked until september 07, at least, unless they change their path. (their next chance of getting into that course)

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Just go with the flow mate tha tswhat i did ended up me sciving to ride but owell thats my fault. revise etc not liek hour on hours people who do that are wierd i dont know how you can revise so much. OK im not the most clever person on here but that dont matter. You cant help thinking about riding its what you do etc its like football. I bet David Beckham couldnt stop thinking of football when he was our age ok so hes loaded etc thats got nothing to do with it he wasnt loaded then i bet he didnt think h ewould be.

I went with the flow and got average grades now im doing a carpentry course where 732 people applied and 18 passed and im one of them its a great oprtunity and basically if i pass this and they take me on i wont have to worry about money

just do what you thinks right people all think differant.

maybe some will say no dont ride when you have exmas its bad. If you dont you will just get stressed and go skitts lol

if on honest, i probably did a total of 12 hours revision for my whole way school, and 11.5 hours of this was for my gcse's. but i knew i could pass them, and even if that assumption was wrong, it was what mattered, i walked round, being an arrogant twat"meh i dont need to revise, ill pass them" which in some respects was kinda foolish, but it was also one of the smartest things i ever did, i had the mindset that i would pass, so i wasnt stressing out about not passing, or gettin the required grades, so i was relaxedm bit gettin stressed out over revision, not gettin confused, not gettin nervous in the exams.

its not saying dont revise, its saying, tell yourself the gcse's are a piece of pis, and you will pass, once you believe that, theres far less pressure/stress.

and beau i was going to poke a joke that they didnt care about spelling, but what happened in the middle 2 paragraphs, not a spelling mistake between the lot of it.

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I hope someone realises that there are over 700 people who thought 'f**k gcse's ill just become a carpenter' who now are f**ked until september 07, at least, unless they change their path. (their next chance of getting into that course)

Most of them probably have a criminal record, that's why they were turned away :lol:

if on honest, i probably did a total of 12 hours revision for my whole way school, and 11.5 hours of this was for my gcse's. but i knew i could pass them, and even if that assumption was wrong, it was what mattered, i walked round, being an arrogant twat"meh i dont need to revise, ill pass them" which in some respects was kinda foolish, but it was also one of the smartest things i ever did, i had the mindset that i would pass, so i wasnt stressing out about not passing, or gettin the required grades, so i was relaxedm bit gettin stressed out over revision, not gettin confused, not gettin nervous in the exams.

its not saying dont revise, its saying, tell yourself the gcse's are a piece of pis, and you will pass, once you believe that, theres far less pressure/stress.

and beau i was going to poke a joke that they didnt care about spelling, but what happened in the middle 2 paragraphs, not a spelling mistake between the lot of it.

GCSE's are, if you're of respectable ability, easy enough to pass C+ without a lot of hassle. Clever people will be able to get As and A*s without a lot of work.

However I'd like to see someone do the same for A levels. Revision is almost certainly required (shut up Mr. Singleton! You're not natural haha).

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yea darren its a valid point, but how old are you now, sure your on the wrong side of 20 arent you?? by which time you should have work experience, but if your sub 18 and want to get a non shop/restaurant job, other than the low end manual labouring jobs, GCSE's are the major factor

I kinda agree, but as i said earlier a major emplyer is not going to be overly concerened by your GCSE's, but they are fairlyish kinda important to getting in to higher education. But again that doesnt account for much when looking for jobs. Alot of the time people with degrees get stuck working rubbish jobs till they "get lucky". Linke my brother, he has a physics degree, but i earn more then him, simply cause i have the most experience.

Anyway to put my opinion in a nut shell

GCSE's are pointless unless trying to get into further education(which you should be cause else you wont get very far out of a trade job).

Get as much experience as possible for the career your choosing. I know it shounds crazy but try going to a local place and ask if you can do work experience unpaid, or for a small fee. Impress them with a decent attitude and you never know you may well end up working there later in life if you decide you like that job.

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