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Think Im Talking Bollocks.


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Reyt. Ive jut been having a convo with my mate deonn on msn about school exams and shiz basically.

Thing is im studying at 6 form atm and i ould really do with the results so i can go uni but i carnt revise because im always thinking about riding n i get stressed till i go out riding.

So because im always riding im not acheiving the grades i should be so im not doing as well. Anyone achive a good career out of life even though theyve ride throughout. I dont really want to ride n ride till im like 20 (well i do) but i mean that i dont want to quit when i get too old n i have no qualifications to do owt good wi my life, i carnt be arsed having a full time job in macy d's.

Any one else have this problem.

This topics aload of bollocks really so feel free to ignore it lol


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Reyt. Ive jut been having a convo with my mate deonn on msn about school exams and shiz basically.

Thing is im studying at 6 form atm and i ould really do with the results so i can go uni but i carnt revise because im always thinking about riding n i get stressed till i go out riding.

So because im always riding im not acheiving the grades i should be so im not doing as well. Anyone achive a good career out of life even though theyve ride throughout. I dont really want to ride n ride till im like 20 (well i do) but i mean that i dont want to quit when i get too old n i have no qualifications to do owt good wi my life, i carnt be arsed having a full time job in macy d's.Any one else have this problem.

This topics aload of bollocks really so feel free to ignore it lol


living the dream right here :

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same with ma gcse's mate :( thank god im only doin my mocks but when i get round to the real thing i dont no i always think about riding in lessons so i dont take out in, some lessons like i.t stuff like video /pic editing etc im achiving a's etc but as for maths and english the most inportant lessons i cant get round it :(.

sorry if that was aload of sh*te but thats my thought.

danny xx

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You sound like a twat.

When will people realise that theres more to life than riding!

Why am i a twat. I carnt be arsed staying home playing scrablle with my mum so i ride. Revising bores f**k outa me cause ive got be active. I must be a reyt twat cause of that.

I said feel free to ignore convo not slate it.


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Somebody please tel this man WHO I AM!

I don't care who you are really.

It's your life though, we'll just sit back and watch you f**k it up (Y)

Put it this way, do you want to be on the dole in a years time earning £90 every 2 weeks?

How is this going to fund bike parts etc?

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I don't care who you are really.

It's your life though, we'll just sit back and watch you f**k it up (Y)

Put it this way, do you want to be on the dole in a years time earning £90 every 2 weeks?

How is this going to fund bike parts etc?

Im a part time male escort (Y)

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You sound like a twat.

When will people realise that theres more to life than riding!

I dunno where i'd be without riding though. Sad it may sound but riding is my life. I know loadsa mates who feel exactly the same. It's the biggest thing that has ever happened to me and my life. I remember feeling the same when i was doing A levels.

DO YOUR BEST IN EDUCATION. Parents say it and old people say it. Now i say it, and if you ride more than work, in a few years, you'll say it. Please please please do your best. I didn't, although i did do good, i coulda done better, but i was fortunate by getting a good career where i'm at now.

Do your best. You can still work your arse off and have time to ride. Then once it's all done you can ride, and you can afford to ride as you'll be earning decent money if all goes well.

If you f**k up though you're f**ked for good. It's like, if you don't water the seed, the tree won't grow. you gotta put the work in now to get it good in the long run. Whenever you feel like you can't be arsed, just think about exams you didn't work for, and the regret afterwards. Don't keep making the mistakes you know how to fix.

Ride all you can and give it 100%, but don't do it at the expense of watering your seeds, cos you want your tree to grow into a good job mate!


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haha, i'm quite proud of that one lol. It just came to me in a vision :P

It's true though lol. It's horrible seeing people make mistakes i made, and me not saying anything!

Plus i know how it feels to just want to ride every single second of your life and forget every single thing in the world.

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I dunno where i'd be without riding though. Sad it may sound but riding is my life. I know loadsa mates who feel exactly the same. It's the biggest thing that has ever happened to me and my life. I remember feeling the same when i was doing A levels.

DO YOUR BEST IN EDUCATION. Parents say it and old people say it. Now i say it, and if you ride more than work, in a few years, you'll say it. Please please please do your best. I didn't, although i did do good, i coulda done better, but i was fortunate by getting a good career where i'm at now.

Do your best. You can still work your arse off and have time to ride. Then once it's all done you can ride, and you can afford to ride as you'll be earning decent money if all goes well.

If you f**k up though you're f**ked for good. It's like, if you don't water the seed, the tree won't grow. you gotta put the work in now to get it good in the long run. Whenever you feel like you can't be arsed, just think about exams you didn't work for, and the regret afterwards. Don't keep making the mistakes you know how to fix.

Ride all you can and give it 100%, but don't do it at the expense of watering your seeds, cos you want your tree to grow into a good job mate!


Cheers. Really has helped.

Ive been trying to make a vid so havnt thought about it but its nearly done so ill have a litle time to relax n sort my exams out.

The thing im good at im doing good in, but ive got to re take my maths gcse cos i got an E because i pay no attention to it because it bores me and is hard. BUT al unis want a maths gcse sooooooooo.

Anways cheers bud


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without a C in english language and maths, you won't even get a f**king job, unless it's total wank.

You NEED them, regardless of uni, for your whole life you'll have to call on them two results. Others are handy, but them two are iperative. I had to resit both. I wish i got them first time and saved a year, but tgetting them second time round ended up with me getting my job now, and 6 years in, i know i got a job and a career until i retire, which, with a steady wage, is very comforting.

Get it right and you'll be riding with a clear mind.

Like riding, to get better you gotta work on the stuff you're worst at. So put that to school and get all your results up.


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without a C in english language and maths, you won't even get a f**king job, unless it's total wank.

You NEED them, regardless of uni, for your whole life you'll have to call on them two results. Others are handy, but them two are iperative. I had to resit both. I wish i got them first time and saved a year, but tgetting them second time round ended up with me getting my job now, and 6 years in, i know i got a job and a career until i retire, which, with a steady wage, is very comforting.

Get it right and you'll be riding with a clear mind.

Like riding, to get better you gotta work on the stuff you're worst at. So put that to school and get all your results up.


You really are the shit.

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your simply studying the wrong things, Your career should interest and excite you as much as riding does... Its only when your enthusiastic and really interested in your job that you excel at it, and seeing as money is usually a bi-product of sucess I think its pretty important :)

Dont go to 6th form just for the sake of it, I personally found 6th form and a levels the BIGGEST waste of time ever. Changed college/course and its much better.

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without a C in english language and maths, you won't even get a f**king job, unless it's total wank.

You NEED them, regardless of uni, for your whole life you'll have to call on them two results.


Thats wrong, they are handy but most employers look at your experience rather then GCSE's. I failed Maths and did mediocre in english at GCSE. Never went to Uni and have a GNVQ and BTEC. Im currently earning 13K at the bottom level of IT, I have several job interviews which all look promising for new jobs ranging from 18 - 30k. Now id like the 30K job but it requires 5years of expreience in Tech support with knowlege on Microsoft exchange server 2003 and network administration. Thats not a qualification, thats just starting at the bottom and working up the ladder. GCSE's and A levels are not the be all and end all, but putting in the effort now will help you at uni, will help teach you to just blank out riding and knuckle down and get you work done, getting you a degree and also enjoy the student life.

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Cheers for making this thread abdab (Y)

I really haven't a clue where I am right now... no plans for the future...

Riding always seems to take priority, which is gay because at times I hate it, and its never gonna earn me serious money... I spose you just gotta knuckle down now, get the grades... start your career... earn some money and then ride :)

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Thats wrong

It's not wrong at all mate. The large majority of jobs that are decent things to go for, require Maths and English. It's not even debateable. Yeah of course there are exceptions, but decent employers want to see a C in maths and English, that's the end of it. SImply becasue you have managed to get an alright job without them doesn't mean otherwise, it means you're fortunate, and could have easily lost out to someone higher qualified.

i'm not being argumentative, but on this occasion, i happen to know from experience that i am right, and i'm certain i would be backed up by a lot of people.

Get them or you won't go as far as you could if you had them, that's almost guarenteed. You got for a job with some results and experience, but without them, and someone else goes with the same as you, but has them....you ain't gonna get it. Nevermind that though, becasue when they sieve through the applications, you'll be thrown out anyway becasue for a decent job, they're almost always going to require the C in maths and english.


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I'm 21 soon and spent most of my A levels ridding my bike. I've never been one for revision, only took 2 A levels aswell.

Anyway got a B and a C and am now doing a degree in Architecture.

Moral of the story is ride your bike, everything will work out fine, P.S. I dont know if it's just pompy uni but if you're a mature student i.e. 21 then you automatically qualify for a place. So screw up your A levels have a laugh for a few years then go to uni and study what you want.

Lifes a goodun.

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I'm 21 soon and spent most of my A levels ridding my bike. I've never been one for revision, only took 2 A levels aswell.

Anyway got a B and a C and am now doing a degree in Architecture.

Moral of the story is ride your bike, everything will work out fine, P.S. I dont know if it's just pompy uni but if you're a mature student i.e. 21 then you automatically qualify for a place. So screw up your A levels have a laugh for a few years then go to uni and study what you want.

Lifes a goodun.

That's terrible advice! Not everybody is fortunate enough to be able to pick things up easily and get away without a lot of revision and hardwork. Just because you're lucky enough to be able to blag a few exams doesnt mean everybody else is. You're 20 and handing that out as advice :S

The moral of the story is not what you just said. Its listen to Bongo and his sound advice! Not only wisdom but plant based metaphors. Genius

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SHIT. I have A levels starting next week and I'm only JUST doing enough work. Bongo is right, sort yourself out like I'm trying to for the next 3 and a bit weeks and so long as you've put the work in it'll be fine. These past few days I've been blowing off riding and even the girlfriend trying to make sure I'm getting enough work in. It's gay but it's gotta be done.

Just think of the summer ahead. Gunna be ACE!

EDIT: If you're thinking of Uni too, just think, the better you do now the easier it'll be to get in.

It's also yet ANOTHER good thing to look forward to. Personally I can't wait to get there and start living all by myself. In the middle of Brum... woooooo!

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