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Whats The Difference Between Long And Short Frames?

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They give different feels to the bike in general. Shorter frames, like monty's, are better for 'springier' moves and natural, whereas newer and longer frames, such as pythons, are a more streety frame and are more suited to 'new' moves like sidehopping etc....


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They give different feels to the bike in general. Shorter frames, like monty's, are better for 'springier' moves and natural, whereas newer and longer frames, such as pythons, are a more streety frame and are more suited to 'new' moves like sidehopping etc....


I would say longer bikes are better for natural as they can bridge things easier. Shorter frames are easier to bunnyhop, which takes a longer run up such as you get on street. Shorter bikes are more twitchy on the back wheel also. I would assume you get more power from longer bike as you've got more leverage.

I'm maybe more of a weaker rider but, a long frame with the right geometry (bars stem also) and you'll be laughing.

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The Answer is.. about "300mm".. lol

:- 30mm maybe....

the extra length gives your more leverage so you can in theory get more height + distance. also you get more space to move around on, in the bike (Y) which is good if your taller. shorter frames are easier to pull up, because there is less leverage (Y) makign bunnyhops easier.

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i find on a longer frame you get just a split second more time on some moves (which helps me now that im abit older/slower than what i was years ago when i started lol), that extra time helps an i feel more comfy on a longer frame (not cramped like i would do on a short frame like my old giant), its also a better feel on natural i think, but either way bikes now are so much better geo wise than what they were 12 years ago that most people could get away with any frame. most modern short frames would have been long 12 years ago :)

Edited by gianttrials
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