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Wtf Is Wrong With My Grind?

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well , im stumped :(

i've grinded my rims several times whilst running onza citrus and rock pad green and it's work well untill i've invested in rock pads blues .

i've given them a month of use and they seem to be getting worse even after a fresh grind ( med / light ) (N)

the rim i'm running is a try-all just incase this makes a difference.

so what are your ideas to why im getting crap performance ?and how i can sort the problem?


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new grinding disk? My grind isnt really even sharp or harsh with my rock blue but they grab, hold and screech good. I really dont understand that, only thing i can thing is your grinding disk is dead but this doesnt normally make a difference. The pads havent got anything on them have they? How's the brake set up, are the pads sitting well on the rim or have you moved the break since you wore the pads in? -Hugh

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Could of grinded your rim too many times? happened to me before

i wondered why my brake was crap as i had grinded it about 15 times and it got worse each time i grinded it

got a new rim and has been working well ever since :D

The metal doesn't change the deeper you go into it, so grinding it more wont make a difference ;)

I'd say get a new griding disc, its pretty hard to mess a grind up using a brand new disc... change the disc over to use a fresh side at the same time as you flip your wheel over to grind the other side. Hold it between 45-90 degrees (i find 80'ish works best for me) then skim along the rim in strokes pressing firmly each time (my grinder actually changes pitch as it slows down slightly so i know its all going to be roughly as deep). You want to cover about 5-6 inches in each stroke... going quick enough to leave larger spaced grooves as apposed to closer grooves. Go round the rim skimming from left to right while going round the rim in a CLOCKWISE direction on each side.

Should be wicked after that.

In fact, should i make a decent tutorial video on how to grind a rim? Might help people out a bit.

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new grinding/cutting disc f'sho! when you've done one side of the rim, flip the grindin disc over. sand your pads down so theyre straight n flat, and glaze is removed. Main thing is to absolutely give your rim some serious grindage, don't be a wuss. then set brake up properly.

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