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Hay people one of my mates has been riding fore a few mouths now and he is starting to get better than me at some skills and ever body says it is down to strength, stammer so I was just wondering.

If I say start going to the gym or something like that will it make me easer to?

Back wheel

Side hop


And generally perform better on my bike.

Let me know

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Hay people one of my mates has been riding fore a few mouths now and he is starting to get better than me at some skills and ever body says it is down to strength, stammer so I was just wondering.

If I say start going to the gym or something like that will it make me easer to?

Back wheel

Side hop


And generally perform better on my bike.

Let me know

is that me lol :P Well yes because you`ll get stronger and able to lift and chuck your bike arould more

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Being big and fit helps to a certain extent, but technique plays a much bigger role in trials riding. Your friend could be a lot bigger than you but not have such a good technique and that will effect riding greatly.

Its good to have both obviously, but you will not get a better technique if you do not practice build on your skills and learn from your mistakes.

Go to the gym though, get fitter and it will aid in your level of riding.


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Although my stamina could be worse, I think it's more determination to make me progress. Power will just develop as technique gets better. There is someone who I've seen ride a few times, not bulky to say the least and he can pull off power moves like he's been riding 5year or so.

Might be the geometry of your frame making it feel heavier.

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well im rock hard

Not blowing your own trumpet or anything <_<

I'm pretty sure that how easy it is to lift your bike and other such things has got something to do with physics, but I dropped physics so I wouldn't know :S

Btw, you don' need to go to the gym to get fit and toned, just join a local sports team and go training with them, because that'll work on your aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity and cadiovascular endurance. Which is a good thing.

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Not blowing your own trumpet or anything <_<

I'm pretty sure that how easy it is to lift your bike and other such things has got something to do with physics, but I dropped physics so I wouldn't know :S

Btw, you don' need to go to the gym to get fit and toned, just join a local sports team and go training with them, because that'll work on your aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity and cadiovascular endurance. Which is a good thing.

Lucky you dent drop P.E.

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As much as I'd love to say muscle will help, unless your hopelessly weak then it wont. I've been going to the gym for ages now, and although my muscles have got bigger and more toned I'm still not as good at riding as one of my withered/pale chums. So I'm putting it down to technique and practice is the only way you'll become better. When I was riding portsmouth, I was at a 40inch+ wall and I was trying to pedal hop up it. Monkeyseemonkeydo (dave) said to take off later and put more pedal energy in going up, his technique worked and I got up it no problem. Practice, practice, practice!

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i think some one should bring a bloke called andy b up in this topic.........he is from eastleigh in hampshire.........he has been riding for about 9ish months and well he is a tank he is super huge and well he chucks heavy zona zip around like i chuck a xtp around........

he has serious skills and is going far in bike trials for shure

im a super skinny nerd. with no muscle........no arms atall.but i would like to think im an ok rider

sports help .like rugby football.......gym......but i put it down to ride your bike as much and as hard as you really can

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As much as I'd love to say muscle will help, unless your hopelessly weak then it wont. I've been going to the gym for ages now, and although my muscles have got bigger and more toned I'm still not as good at riding as one of my withered/pale chums. So I'm putting it down to technique and practice is the only way you'll become better. When I was riding portsmouth, I was at a 40inch+ wall and I was trying to pedal hop up it. Monkeyseemonkeydo (dave) said to take off later and put more pedal energy in going up, his technique worked and I got up it no problem. Practice, practice, practice!


If he's proper skinny but the only muscle he has is type 2 muscle then he'll be better than someone bigger, who is heavier and has more type 1 muscle.

Technique has a lot to do with it yes, but getting stronger with more type 2 muscle will get you going bigger. Taps dont generally require muscle, just good technique, more muscle will only help put more weight behind your forks=breaking them sooner. Static moves need more muscle though.

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It's partly about momentum, partly strength. If you're a weed then yes you will struggle but on the other hand you could be the muscliest(<not sure if thats a word) but have no momentum/technique and therefore be no good at trials

It helps to be fairly strong but that's not all there is to it

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Haven't read whole topic so don't know if anyone has already said this but look at Craig Lee for instance, he isn't big and muscley.

I would think that muscle can help to a certain extemt but if you haven't got the technique aswell as the muscle then you still aren't going to be better lol

CJ.. (Y)

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I think it is about strength and stamina because if you have the strength to throw your bike around and lift it then you will find it easier to gap, sidehop etc. I also think the main part in getting better is practice practice practice but muscle does help. Also if you practice sidehops, gaps etc your body will build these muscles up after a while making it easier to do this.

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