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R.i.p Zona Zenith


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Well, this was a crack then it got re-welded after the whole supercycles rudeness fiasco, then the other day...


So, bye bye zona


And here is his replacement :D





It rides soooo nicely its unreal. Hopefully he shouldn't kill this one as well.

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Bit nice Jon. Im jealous :$.

I shall have give you a phone soon ;), Anyways going pick me Zoo Forks up off SexyMike.

Danny xxx

EDIT: :( Mike didn't show :angry: 20 minute walk in the pissing down rain and standing in the freezind cold for f**k all :angry:


Edited by Danny Kearns
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It's mine :D I fooking love how it looks :D oh my god I'M IN LOVE!!!!! First impressions from riding it are, its long... and my pro2 is sounds like a profile :S Anyways keep the comments flowing :D Hopefully me and kris will get some pics in daylight...

I hate rain...

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