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On/off Sidehops?


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I do some on/offs but i dont give a f**k really.

Still got up what you needed to get up but suppose it looks better for cam when you keep it. I dont think somebody would moan if they side hopped 54" n didn't control it.

Anyways, Inabit


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I PERSONALLY think they look good but meh.

still counts, u got on it did'nt you? or.........

shock horror another mod rider.

Now im not trying to start an argument, but both riders who said they think it counts...have pictures of them sidehopping in there picture LOL.

Meh, i dont care if people wanna do that, let them. I cant sidehop for shit so i cant talk...bout 45 is my max.

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On/off sidehops are the trials equivalent of premature ejaculation


they don't count and you shouldn't be shouting about them

Actually made me LOL. That's such a good saying.

Danny you actually avoided this question earlier sooooo; do you feel better when you stay ON the wall than when you almost immediately hop OFF the wall.

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I feel the same either way. If i stay on i sat on. If i hop off i hop off. It really doesn't make no difference to me. Aslong as i get on the wall in some way, shape or form im fine.


So you dont feel better when you finally manage to land and keep a sidehop you've been on/off'ing for ages?

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I feel the same either way. If i stay on i sat on. If i hop off i hop off. It really doesn't make no difference to me. Aslong as i get on the wall in some way, shape or form im fine.


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhhhhhhhht...... :ermm:

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So you dont feel better when you finally manage to land and keep a sidehop you've been on/off'ing for ages?

Not really no Kris. You know my riding and have seen me ride loads and you know i am just a hardcores street rider. I will feel the same either way because like i have said on/offs count in my eyes so it really doesn't make a difference.

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When did this forum become so anal.

You know in yourself that its never satisfying enough to merely get up. Hell, I got 2 wheels up last night, took me another 45mins before I stuck the cnut though.

Edited by will
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Look at it like a tap to back wheel. If you landed on back wheel, no matter how high, but abubacad off, you wouldn't've made it - simple as.

im with that oppinion.,



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well most of the street riders don't really enter comps they just ride for fun. and if they do a on/off side hop who realy cares


it doesnt count on a course but do what you want on the street there arn't any rules there!

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