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I am doing mine now as well i revise for the ones that i no that im going to fail at so that i have more time on them. I tel to read it and then do something for about 10 minutes and after that try write or draw it if you can't then read it again and do this until i no it simple.


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  (chief) said:
I am doing mine now as well i revise for the ones that i no that im going to fail at so that i have more time on them. I tel to read it and then do something for about 10 minutes and after that try write or draw it if you can't then read it again and do this until i no it simple.


Err wtf?

Why revise something you know your going to fail??

Are you actually English?? Ever heard of a comma? Makes your posts much more clear (Y)

Edited by Grant H
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  Grant H said:
Err wtf?

Why revise something you know your going to fail??

Are you actually English?? Ever heard of a comma? Makes your posts much more clear (Y)

why revise some thing i am going to fail isn't that a little obvious??? so i don't fail at it.

yes i am English and yes i have herd of a comma but do you know what i suck at english as you can see i don't even know what a comma is ok so stop having ago at me you did in my topic aswell what is you problem???


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Well I've jus done my finals at university and I've always found that jus repeatedly making notes works for me. I work things out as a system if you get me? Like to get to A you need B and C, jus learn the main components and fill in the gaps when you write in the exam.

A guy on here said to summarize everything on a page - thats a really good one because if you can do that your golden. Also explaining it or teaching it to someone so that they understand it helps massivly too.

Also you can do too much - after a while you just lose interest so take a break for a lil while

Edited by destructor
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I'm doing my highers atm and i find with revision going onto bite-size and tanking all their tests then resting a while then doing some paster papers and reading notes works well. At the end of the day I'm lucky that I'm o smart so sorta know most things anyway so i find revision two or three days before it seems to be all i need. (this will of course be found out when i get my grades)

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Get loads of mini notes with things that you need to revise and like go through them daily but don't spend too much time revising though, you'll get stressed out and all that which will make revision harder and more boring :P

Oh and eat chocolate biscuits when revising (those digestive types)

Edited by Liamchai
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Im doing my A2's this year, and i think revision is essential, i didnt do any for my AS's last year and payed the price, thank god for resits though.

I just copy and make notes from the textbook, then go through after the section and highlight the key parts. I find it helps a lot because its like rehersal (for those who do Psychology).

But yeah my advice is revise, for GCSE's it shouldnt matter too much, but as you go up the years its adviseable.


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  Grant H said:
If you know your going to fail why revise?

You obviously don't think that you will fail if your revising.

Sounds stupid that your trying harder in subjects that you seem to know that you have failed..

You are the biggest f**king idiot ever, just shut up and leave him alone.

Would you not even try at your exams if you wasn't good at them? 'cos thats pathetic lol.


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Most people just end up revising what they can already do and over look the stuff they cant because it makes you feel like you no alot more because your not getting stuck and wound up because you cant do something. Just make sure you go through your notes and work on the stuff you struggle with and make sure you dont have msn on or tele because it does distract you how ever hard you try.

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