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I May Well Have The Strangest Symptoms For An Unknown Illness....ever.


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Right, hear me out becasue this sounds totally f**king stupid.

My hands float, they always have done. I never even noticed to tell you the truth. The way i lie in a bath means that at rest, my hands just sit in the water all floating and just sitting there. Nothing exciting, i'd never thought about it, until today.

Today, my hands sink!!!!!!!!! What does this mean!!!! I was exactly the same as every other bath i ever have, except my hands kept falling to the bottom of the bath and wouldn't float anymore!!!

do you think it's terminal?!?!?!?!

Crazy haha.


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Less oxygen floating aboot in your hands? Are your hands getting fatter? Pull out the digi scales and weigh them for the next two weeks every day at the same time. Keep your diet, routine, underwear, everything exactly the same. If your hands get heavier you'll need to go about doing some cardiovascular exercises on your hands, increasing the oxygen being pumped there and taking off the flab on your fingers.

I recommend one of the following:

Finger treadmill

Finger free running

Finger jumping

All of which (coincidentally) can be undertaken whilst in the bath, you can watch your hands sink less and less each time - it's foolproof!

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Less oxygen floating aboot in your hands? Are your hands getting fatter? Pull out the digi scales and weigh them for the next two weeks every day at the same time. Keep your diet, routine, underwear, everything exactly the same. If your hands get heavier you'll need to go about doing some cardiovascular exercises on your hands, increasing the oxygen being pumped there and taking off the flab on your fingers.

I recommend one of the following:

Finger treadmill

Finger free running

Finger jumping

All of which (coincidentally) can be undertaken whilst in the bath, you can watch your hands sink less and less each time - it's foolproof!

or just whack off regularly? :shifty:

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or just whack off regularly? :shifty:

that would also solve my possible explanation for this disease, youve reduced the amount of times you shoot your load, and well, its gotta go somewhere, its obiviously filled any other hollow body parts and has moved on to the hands.only secondary way to diagnose this is to go for a further week without splurtin out. and then when you blow your nose, inspect for traces of tadpoles. in which case, its time to empty your tanks.

*note: although it may seem like a good idea, and a way to investigate this, do not attempt to empty your vessel in the bath, despite the likelihood of your hands floating again instantly, you will have something similar to pva glue attaching itself to all hair in the vicinity

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  • 4 months later...

That's about the only sort of BMX you can do at the minute as well isn't it!? :P

Serious reply.... I *think*, when you're cold blood moves from the extremities (hands, feet) of your body to keep your core temp up? Maybe when you're cold your hands are lighter, and heavier when you are warm?

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Tart - when your core temp (chest./vital organs) get cold, the blood goes away from the skin to keep it away from the coldness of your skin/whats making you cold, and when it's too hot, it makes the blood go to the skin which is why you go red when you're hot, it lets your blood cool down. Think that's how it is anyway, might be the other way around.

Top tip: when you're freezing your bollocks off in the artic, keep your chest/torso warm and the rest of your body will do the work and keep your whole body good.

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Serious reply.... I *think*, when you're cold blood moves from the extremities (hands, feet) of your body to keep your core temp up? Maybe when you're cold your hands are lighter, and heavier when you are warm?

Isn't that for temperatures in the region of the arctic/north/south pole? I thought it was one of your bodies last efforst at keeping your internal organs functioning for longer so you don't die. Which is why if you were to sit outside in the snow completely naked your arms and legs would get pins and needles and go numb. I'm not 100% sure on what sort of temperature region sets it off but i wouldn't have thought bongo's bathroom would be quite that severe. :unsure:

Maybe something to do with body fat?

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