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Name Something Your Computer Can Do...


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Mine can sometimes hide one of my windows.. like when i minimize it, it doesn't show on the toolbar thingy.. where the start button is..

Don't think it's suppose to do that..

Edited by BeNNy
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my ps2 could fly. only managed it once though. was surprisingly soon after it refused to load any games, at which point it just lept from the window, onto the kitchen roof, and landed at the bottom of the drive. was most impressive. unfortunately it was beaten into component parts shortly after, but for those few seconds of flight, it was breath-taking...


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mine can display my msn name on the digital display on the tower so that when you first buy it and don't realise, your dad asks why "i dreamt last night that my penis was a giant tri-masted spanish galleon" was scrolling across the top of the pc!!!

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mine can watch tv channels from all over the world on it....all for free too.

edit: sh*t i think its a illegal program...but who will care when you can make it have any channels in the world. :P

Edited by nickyw
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My computer can download new episodes of my favourite tv shows and send them straight over onto my xbox hard drive so i can watch them on the telly. It also updates the xbox so it has all the fancy new features and stuff.... clever that!

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Mine turns itself on at 9:18 every single morning for reasons that are completely unclear to me.

However, I have GPS on my phone and that links up with a program called memory map to show me exactly where I've been. Yay.

Plus I can set it to record anything that's on freeview, that's pretty cool.

Oh, and I have a remote control so I can watch my videos/TV from my bed B)

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i did mean serious ones but some of these funny ones are making me laugh ahaha

bongo, can you take a picture please? im intrigued :P


It's almost the same as this one. It scrolls across the top, whatever you have as your msn name lol.

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