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Stupid Coments!

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hi, i was down the local skate park last night and i heard this boy say how do i 360bunny hop and this other boy about 10 years old said well just bunny hop then turn and i found that so funny because he cant 180 so he did not have a clue what he was on about,

what silly coments have or unhelpful tips have you heard when you have been riding ?

thnx . james

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recently theres been police patrolling around my area on bikes, and i always have chats with them and they really nice and that and we chat bout bikes and how its unfair that i have no where to ride bla bla bla, anyway hes asking me how to manuel and wheelie and stuff and that this police man actually does mountain biking when hes off duty, but the funny comment i heard was that he does do trials on a dawes with rock shoxx forks and to be honest if you was doin trials i wouldnt go for a dawes frame with sus forks but o well. hes a really nice copper to chat to but doin trials on dawes, you woulda thought he would of got a DENG

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recently theres been police patrolling around my area on bikes, and i always have chats with them and they really nice and that and we chat bout bikes and how its unfair that i have no where to ride bla bla bla, anyway hes asking me how to manuel and wheelie and stuff and that this police man actually does mountain biking when hes off duty, but the funny comment i heard was that he does do trials on a dawes with rock shoxx forks and to be honest if you was doin trials i wouldnt go for a dawes frame with sus forks but o well. hes a really nice copper to chat to but doin trials on dawes, you woulda thought he would of got a DENG

dawes actually used to make a trials bike, so could be one of them with sus forkz? probably not though, but hey ho

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Wheres your seat?

why's your tyre so fat?

why is your wheel flat? (so many things wrong with that sentance)

Is the bike heavy? (depends how strong you are surely)

can you do this?

im well good me ive left my da bomb at home though. i can do backflips (no joke, I heard that word for word)

can i have your number?

whys your crank so small?

whys the chain so small?

why cant you spin the bars round?

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Wheres your seat?

why's your tyre so fat?

why is your wheel flat? (so many things wrong with that sentance)

Is the bike heavy? (depends how strong you are surely)

can you do this?

im well good me ive left my da bomb at home though. i can do backflips (no joke, I heard that word for word)

can i have your number?

whys your crank so small?

whys the chain so small?

why cant you spin the bars round?


how much was that?

what are those holes for?

your shit.

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il do a little script of one of the things i had said to me after the dj ride on the way home.

i ride an oza t-pro 04

chav: why dont you have a seat?

me: can you see a hole for a seat post?

chav: yeah!

me: can you show it to me please i have never seen one.

chav: um........ (walks of down trian)

another one

what bmx is that?

i ride a skate park with a hip transfere

can you do the hip on that mate?

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no, but my mate has had, 'do those holes make you go faster?'

Haha classic! i never heared that one before

I ride with a mate and i have a front disk and he has a front rim brake, and they always say is mine better because it has a disk brake. O yer and they say is mine better because it has a red tyre!

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classic sayings down my way:

wow thats amazing can you do that on my bike (some piece of crap pulled out of a skip lol)

do a trick m8 do a trick

how much is your bike worth (why so you can try an nick it and sell it on ebay?)

have you ever hurt yourself (no course not lol if i was superman)

my m8s amazing an better than you, he rides a ????? some bulls**t

my dads an engineer (classic saying at halfords from customers)

Edited by gianttrials
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Ok ive been working at this bike shop for about 2 weeks now and i spoke to a guy who works there about bleeding maguras.

I told him i had mine bled with water and he laugh and sed thats impossable but get this he sed he could bleed my maguras with air and he would only charge me a £10er.

How stupid can you get how can you bleed a magura with a substance which is compressable.

Anybody eles herd of an air bleed? lol.


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were riding and some chav says to his mates, i can do that aswell it just that i don't show off, (erm why you lieing to make friends, or more chavs) erm so basically we can't ride without showing off, meh :blink:

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I was over the place where we ride often the other day and i have a couple of dirty chavs come over and you get the normal "how much you give for that mate?" and then refering to my drilled rim , i hear:

Chav 1: " Ere mate whats up with your back wheel with those hole's?"

Chav 2 : "Ye divy ,there called rim balls!"


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my m8s amazing an better than you, he rides a ????? some bulls**t

after some ten year old seen us riding they said that his uncle had a zoo bike...

it cost summat like 5 grand lol

ah, we tricked them into believing that we were world champions :D good times..

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i was biking outside my house and this irish pikey delivering leaflets came up to me and said 'can you do a 360' but in a really bad irish acent. i was like you f**king what?

that was a tree-sixty then lol

after some ten year old seen us riding they said that his uncle had a zoo bike...

it cost summat like 5 grand lol

ah, we tricked them into believing that we were world champions :D good times..

hahaha good times indeed, we told these kids that my mate was testing a prototype disc brake from magura (it's a louise) and we called it something or other (cant remember now) and they actually believed us, and also that we were sponsored and rode for a living (if only :rolleyes: )

so funny, these kids nowadays are so gullible

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lankyricky do you know matt purdon lives in rochford ride a 06 pitbull custom build with green fluro rims?

Yes vee do why?

the stupidest comment on todays ride was.... "i didnt even tap that..."

baz, "yea i was looking for the tap and waiting for the snap!" *possibly broken forks btw*

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