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Appolagies To Moderators About Selling

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Sorry guys missed that bit on the rules - was jus doing the first post thing

So when will I be able to post a topic to sell it in the 'selling' section?

It takes a little bit of time to get validated, thus allowing you to post in the 'Fs&Wtd' section, but your first post seems good, you'll be validated soon enough.

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when you have been validated by a moderator

this will happen when you have proved that you won't fill up the forum with pointless/stupid threads/posts.

keep your spelling good and give good advice and you will be validated in no time.

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So I jus gotta keep posting and get noticed right?

not quite

do not post stupid things such as :

nice bike mate...

and please don't think that posting 'I hope i helped mate' will help you..

post helpful posts and moderators will validate you.

you can get validated after one post..

moderators will also look at all of your previous posts, so if the majority of them are pointless then you won't get validated soon.

Edited by Grant H
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No real need to apologize as such just don't do it again, the main thing to do is just do your best to help other people out in problems they may have and yeah like others have said keep your spelling on a decent level( i.e the spell checker ;) )


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Quality not Quantity! (Y)

What he said...

When I joined I was pretty much told it was near impossible to get verified unless you were some kind of crazy trials-based knowledge... base...

I just posted in topics I was actually interested in and had something I felt was worthwhile to say and didn't even notice I was verified it happened so quick!

just use propa gramma an spellin and ye'll get verifyed in nee time!!


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Quality not Quantity! (Y)

Yes, yes and yes. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When I see someones made a half decent post, I click 'view all posts by this member', I dont even read the posts, if I see every reply is 1ish lines long, I know its probably just spam and go back to the topic with no second thoughts. Where as if someone made just 3 posts, and each one is longish, well punctuated etc, they get validated. Again, I don't even read these posts (I don't have time) - its just pretty obvious.

What he said...

When I joined I was pretty much told it was near impossible to get verified unless you were some kind of crazy trials-based knowledge... base...

I just posted in topics I was actually interested in and had something I felt was worthwhile to say and didn't even notice I was verified it happened so quick!

just use propa gramma an spellin and ye'll get verifyed in nee time!!



As for trials knowledge, none is needed (as it says in the announcement) - just be friendly, informative and put a little EFFORT in! TF is not MSN!!!

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