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Hey Guys/Girls,

I ride a Kona shred right now and mostly do this sort of stuff


But looking to buy a trials bike im probably going to buy in bits and look for bargains to try and keep prices down anyways...

Im from London and been riding for a few years trials has always interested me and a mate so we've decisided to take it up, I want a 26" bike with a seat I've seen a few, Base ta26 and read mixed opinions about this frame, onza woodstock but didnt seem to find anything about this bike on here? any opinions (I have used search)

Thanks for your replys

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Why did you bother to learn that stuff? Like standing up of the frame while riding! Doesn't look cool to me, just looks like you have WAY to much time on your hands buddy! Editing skills are good though (Y)

Im into street bike stunting (on motorbikes) and just doing them tricks on a mountainbike, Its something different and im sure standing up on the frame is alot easier to do then trials, it only took a few hours too learn...

Thanks though

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