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Buying Crank Help


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Hey guys im thinking of going to buy some new cranks and dont know what to get out of the following:-

  1. Echo 7075 CNC, wieght : 528g @ £95

  2. Czar CNC Cranks, wieght : 544g @ £100

  3. GU CNC Cranks, wieght : 529g @ £110

  4. ZOO CNC Cranks wieght : 515g @ £120

  5. Adamant CNC Cranks wieght : 543g @ £130

Does anybody know why they go up in price because all i can really see is mainly the weight issue but not 100% sure

Oh and where is the best place to get rims or frames powder coated?

please help?!?!?!



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As far as im aware all them cranks are the same ones with different cncing so just get which you think looks nicest. Look in yellow pages for somewhere to get things powdercoated and just ring around places.

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