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Maggi Or Disk...

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Hi people,

Right, ill start wi my monty 221pr, iv just built up with rear disk, i didnt have any money for a new one so i pinched my old hope mono mini (like a 2004-5 modle) and it didnt work that bad at first, but now its is sh**e, iv done everything to it...sanded pads, new pads, sanded rotor, boiled rotor, and also re-blead it like 5 times, and nothing is happening.....it is getting worse!!:@

Im entering the british comp at blackpool aswell this weekend, so i need to decide soon....please help me..

What do u people recomend...go back to the trusty maggi and get some caust pads and what not....or splash out on a new mono mini trials for £140 from aire valley.

Thanks people...Shaun...(Y)

Edited by 20inch_power
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i have never trusted disks on the back, iv had a hope and an rst cable. That was a few years ago though, neither compare to a well set up magura. You know that brake is working when you hear the sounds off it. Maggie all the way kidder! (Y)

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Id stick to a disk mate, Hope will do a full-re-service on your brake for just 40quid includes full lever re-build, caliper internals, re bleed, pressure checks.... basically you come out with a brand new brake just with a few of your old parts on it I'd do that, if i had a choice i would run rear disk, especially if your going to do natural as you can ride in all weathers and have faith in your brake!

I only ride in the sunshine though! lol and magies are an ass'ole to constantly set up. stick to disk man!

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cheers for all the replys people, i might just get a new hope....but its a awfull lot of money!!:S

New mono trials shaun. What you entering this weekend?

guest blue i think...i won inter at clowlin..:P haha what are you entering....


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