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Tensils + Gap Do I Need To Go On !

Conor the basher.

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Okay so that's dented my trust in my set of tensiles a little bit, but they didn't snap while you was putting power down. Only when you put the driveside arm between you, gravity and the wall.

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't of happened if you had a frame mounted bash. But still, it shouldn't of happened.

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I can promis i did not no they where gunna snap, the gay thing was i can piss that gap on my stock and i just couldent seem to get it i tryed so many times then that happend only time i acctuall hit the cranks though its a bit ghay.

i dont have the warranty but i got them from tarty if i give adam a ring will i still be able to get a refund ?

cheers conor.

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i dont have the warranty but i got them from tarty if i give adam a ring will i still be able to get a refund ?

Sorry Connor, but nooone gives warranty for being FAT. Loser, were they old style or new style? Mine started to go in a similar place on the left crank, but I spotted the crack (well Pauly did).


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Ive never seen a tensile snap like that, wow,

You seem like you were expecting it , like pick it up straight away and show it to camra.

Seem rather unlucky.

Got a warenty?


I kept telling him days before they would go, so there were some little demons in the back of his head, and when they went my point was proven, so he wasn't too surprised. When he picked the crank up i didnt realise he snapped them, thought it was part of the wall :lol:

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I bought my Tensiles second hand, so when they snap do I still get the half price replacement or whatever it is? Guessing you have to have a proof of purchase?

No you don't thats just being cheeky.

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