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Id be keen to know how he and Danny Mac did at the BikeBattle event. As for that monster wall akrigg is trying to get over, why doesnt he build a bigger pallet ramp/tranny as he is coming up a few feet short of wall lip. then when he can make that, he can drop the height of the pallet ramp by say 10ins a time, then see if can make that height. thats what i would do.

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Danny Mac was injured before he left (so i was informed other eve up shipley glen)

Akrigg came 12th, after a pretty NASTY crash. there will probably be a video of it soon.

So we cant go take pictures of the wall jump at the mo. Chris doesnt do things in halves, he sets something up then does it, doesnt make it "small" enough to do 1st time, he'd rather do it right first time than have to make it harder and harder. a benefit and a prospect of his riding (Y):)


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  the boon said:
there are some videos on youtube and other sites about it

search for nissan qashqai urban challenge madrid

there's a good one of adam hauck doing a no foot can to wallride-to-whip to 540 hurricane to walltap to 540 to fakie <_<

sounds complicated that does....

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  nichols_sam said:

If im honest it doesn't really look that big :| maybe its the angle or something, but doesn't look that nuts.

aw right then, Im sure by saying that you could do better? If im being honest I think it looks huge.

I wanna see a picture of his nice old bike. :rolleyes:

Edited by glasvagas
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sorry i aint took a pic of his steed yet, will do if it ever comes out of the bike bag :P:lol:

it may not look big BUT consider this:

you hit the pallet and before the back wheel has FULLY contacted you need to have bunnyhopped to get the front wheel going up......

hence why it would be so hard going straight to the top, its all about speed balls and if you fall off not worrying about it!!!! and at the mo, i am worrying as there is too many national champ rounds on to be missing one of those.


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  Waynio said:
sorry i aint took a pic of his steed yet, will do if it ever comes out of the bike bag :P:lol:

it may not look big BUT consider this:

you hit the pallet and before the back wheel has FULLY contacted you need to have bunnyhopped to get the front wheel going up......

hence why it would be so hard going straight to the top, its all about speed balls and if you fall off not worrying about it!!!! and at the mo, i am worrying as there is too many national champ rounds on to be missing one of those.


Probably operating on a different gear ratio too? :mellow:

Speed is dangerous... >_<

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  Waynio said:
"old skool" Megamo Radical Cro-mo/Mongoose PRO trials bike :P;):lol:


PS i will get round to uploading the "other" picture or pictures at some point this evening (maybe) been abit busy over the last week.

Looking in an old MBUK, it says he is on a Charge Titanium bike with Mongoose stickers as his Street bike, ie: Skateparks. as for hs trials bike I'm still looking.

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