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I Got Strangled To Day


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hey just thaught i would share my experience with you all right it goes.... i was backwheeling this wall and this man comes running out he was like 24 and he said " what the f**k u think ur doing" and i stayed silent then he said f**k off so i said "no need to tell me to f**k of is there and he sed i can do if i like and i said does it make you feel hard then strangled me lol then threatend to smash my face in :lol: so its been a exciting day (Y) i knew its trespassin but no need for violence also thats the highest iv back wheeled haha ahh any one think this is unfair im only 15 and i didnt be rude or anything?

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Old woman ccaught me with walking stick once and pulled me right off

Bet that felt good...

Ive been chased by old men and had sticks swung at me.

Didnt want to hit this one guy though because i thought i would kill him

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Woah that sucks bigtime, I could write a whole book about why such a thing is wrong, but i'll just say that the guy is an idiot and can't think normal.

I'm getting better reactions lately actually, like yesterday, there were like 12 guys aged 20-24, and I was doing a gap, then they surrounded me, I was like ''f**k theyre gonna nick my bike'', but instead they were like ''oh man thats awesome, high 5, do it again, are you a proffesional?'' etc etc

They were quite interested in the sport, which always makes me happy :)

More people should see it as an amazing thing instead of something wrong

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i have some chap grabed my wheel while i was riding down the cycle lane and said ' stop that horrible noise you keep making when you stop ' and had a swing at me and hit me so i smash him in the face and layed him out he was about 22 and i was 17 when this happend and everytime i see him he always walks another way. but i always seem to atract this trouble so i have gave up with bein mr nice guy lol


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had similar at a bowls club, they didnt like us playing on their walls, we were all like 14 so didnt care and just carried on.. Mate jumped off a wall and someone grabbed him by the neck and pulled him off then tried to strangle him... Must have looked amusing cos this old man was strangling someone while i was on his back trying to get him off, and slipping the odd punch in for good measure :)

In the end the police turned up and, the now 30 or so 90+ year old bowlers decided that they over reacted and we all left, happily ever after :)

have to say we got them back, 10 of us rode accorss a bowls pitch while they played a tournament game! They actually started bowling AT US, oh well, made the local paper!!! awesome :D

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Super stuff congrats...on a more serious note what a massive overreaction.

I have had a drive-by attack, some passenger in a van lobbed a half-ful coke bottle at me whilst going 30, caught me right in the chest....some serious expletives errupted after that!

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i got drive by'ed in the back of the head by a boiled egg once... i thought my friend had punched me in the head, so i turned round and smacked him and we had a fight... wasnt till afterwards that i realised i had a lil bitta yoke on the back of my hood lol (we had loads of play fights and getting punched in the back of the head full pelt was kinda the norm. lol)

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Funniest thing I have saw was when Me and Ben Travis and few others were riding the uni. Three security guards came out one swearing his head off with the usual “get the f**k out of here” “f**k off” So Ben decides to ask him why he is swearing in front of younger kids and just winding him up. Don’t think calling him a “rent a cop” helped… the other two security guards were holding this old guy back was so funny he was going mental. He was just throwing a proper hissy fit.


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