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Paypal Help.


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I wondered as i have money left in my paypal account, can i use this to pay for ebay products?

Normally it just goes straight from my bank account but as i don't have any money left in it (even though its pay day) i can't risk it.

So how do it get my paypal account money to be used without transfering to my bank account?

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Yep. It will just take it out automatically.

EDIT: If the price of the item is more than the money you've got in your paypal account already it will just take the rest from your bank account. It can even be used to pay for international items (items in $ or €, etc.)

Edited by MonsterJ
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usually, on mine at least, if there is any money in the paypal account it'll take that out first.

then if there isn't enough to cover the total cost, it'll take the rest from my account/credit card.

i'm pretty sure if you send money it'll take it out of your paypal account before any of the other methods.

otherwise just got onto account management and change your preferences.

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