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Hiring Out A Warehouse?

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me and my mate were wondering whether anyone has ever borrowed a warhouse on a sunday or hired it. whether its possible as when it rains it sucks not bieng able too ride. or like say that you will advertise there stuff like put stickers on your bike and stuff.

thanks in advance

Edited by rudoxolty
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Just find an abandoned warehouse somewhere not too busy and then just go in. ;) You'll find theres almost always a door been left/smashed open by other people so you can just walk in! We've built a few skateparks in them around us, usually plenty of wood and pallets about. As logn as your quite about it you should be ok, make sure you have a few exits if it comes to it though.

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nothing stopping you riding in the rain :rolleyes:

Yup, riding in the rain makes things more interesting in a way as things are harder lol

Ive never heard of anyone doing it you best chance is a abandoned warehouse because i doubt someone would have a spare warehouse they arnt using you could use and if you was to rent it im guessing it would cost alot to do.

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If anyone in the North-West needs some pallets for this sort of thing, let me know - we've got hundreds at work which we can't get rid of at the moment!!!


I'll ask around to see if anyone has storage.

Hiring a warehouse out hmmm if you knew exactly when it would rain shouldnt you be a weatherman ? also like ali said you can ride in the rain.

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hah, matt you've already seen the one we found this year all set up with pallets in. bbefore that wqe had a big car garage full of aspestos that got knocked down and an old fire station that got turned into flats. most irritating. the fire station was real cool, had a nice little mini ramp in it. hendrixmaster = spazzmaster WORD

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yer i would but i cant get down there and besides its pissin down with rain!!!! so had a fixing sesh with my mate

whats the matter with rain your not made of sugar are you so your not gonna melt :P and like people say the rain makes things more interesting just make sure your not tryin a 180 gap crate to crate (it was only a small gap but still my ribs didnt like me after that) lol

the chances of finding a warehouse thats not being used is slim and the chavs would prob just come and burn it all down any way

although i seen a warehouse near me which is all boarded up may go in a check it out i just dont wanna get caught n get arecord for braking and entering and all that rubbish

just go and ride steeet in the rain n make sure you have a fresh grind and no tar and you will be able to ride, i did my bigeest backwheel in the rain lol 41inchs to back wheel and kept it well chuffed

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its not that special, ive seen a f**king amazing one once, it was stupid, and was all really smooth, no big stupid nails stickin out, was huge as well.


want to elaborate? ie location? what happened to it etc? :P

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