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Bleeding Brakes With Water

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I'm having trouble with my front brake (magura HS33), and got told that bleeding it will help alot. I was just wondering if I should bother paying for the proper magura fluid, or should I just use water?


Please say you are joking ? This topic apears on here about 5 times a day ! Use the search thats all im going to say. There is hundreds of topics that explain if you should use water or not !! :sleeping:

Complete waste of time :(

Ben :)

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a lot of topics are repeated i guess people just don't look oh well. best thing to do is submerge all the maggie in a bucket of water and get all of the oil out of the system. then use another bucket of water to re bleed your brake by putting your finger or thumb over the end of the lever bleed valve and let go of the lever blade. repeat the process until there is no more bubbles come out of anywhere. sorry if that made no sense

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i find bleeding with water gives the nicest feel to a maggie,the lever pulls back a lot easyer (Y)

but if you decide to bleed it with oil you could try babby oil,car mineral oil from halford(practicaly the same stuff as the magura oil) or veg oil (i heard it has been done,haven't tried it personally) .

hope i have helped,steve

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