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Wanted Silhouette Pics Of People Riding 20" Mod Please


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im after some silhouette pics of people riding 20" mods i,e on back wheel on top of a rock ect

reason why im after these pics is because i want a tattoo done sometime this year of me riding my mod like holding it on rear wheel on a bollard or rock, or a big side hop ect but cant decide on what would look better.

If your not sure what a silhoutte is, its like the pic below (Chai afew years ago in clacton)


so if you have any please post away, Cheers (Y)

Edited by powerz
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I have some here, I will post em when I find em (Y)

Hmm I didn't have any of the positions you were asking for, or a silhoutte

But i'll post them up anyway..




@luke: very nice :D

Do you have a high resolution one of the first?

Edited by Meteor~
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Its a good idea, but what about when you have quit trials? you will look pretty silly then, just a thought.


very true but im not giving up any time soon plus it would just remind me of all the good times i had doing trials (Y)

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Having a tattoo there (on the wrist) could affect you on what job you have though cant it?

but yeah anyways, it looks nice but would you really want a trials tattoo on their, will you be doing it forever to not regret you got a tattoo there? tattoo's are serious stuff.


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Having a tattoo there (on the wrist) could affect you on what job you have though cant it?

but yeah anyways, it looks nice but would you really want a trials tattoo on their, will you be doing it forever to not regret you got a tattoo there? tattoo's are serious stuff.


well thats why i said im not sure where to have the tattoo yet i just done it on a wrist to get an idea of how it will look. and its not the definate design yet i just played about on photoshop earlier and came up with it.

Edited by powerz
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Someone tell me I'm not seeing things? If you look at that pic for long enough... it er` reverses its self! (is he riding towards us or away from us etc!) :turned:

Anyway, goodluck with the tatty!

What the f*ck! I was looking at it and went to myself no it's deffinately facing away from me..... HOLY SH*T he just 180'd! :o

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The wheel size gives the direction away, i've probobly just spoiled it for anyone who didn't realise cos once you do it's hard to exclude them.

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The wheel size gives the direction away, i've probobly just spoiled it for anyone who didn't realise cos once you do it's hard to exclude them.

That doesn't make a difference you tit :P The backwheel is still the backwheel and the front wheel is still the front, No matter what whay he is facing, Silly boy =]

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That doesn't make a difference you tit :P The backwheel is still the backwheel and the front wheel is still the front, No matter what whay he is facing, Silly boy =]

Think he means the size of the wheel in the photo. Things get smaller as they get further away, back wheel is bigger so its closest to the camera. Just looks odd when you try and look at it the other way, as if he has some silly 16" front wheel.

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