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2 New Videos Of Big Fat Trav


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Oreet guys,

Its final week of uni, final year for me. WOOOOOOP, and to celebrate i made two videos, and by 'celebrate' i mean 'slack off uni work'.

The first is - bentravis-stock. This has been coming for a while, just filmed over a long period, just under 2 mins long, with a song by a little band called little man tate.

The second is - bentravis-spools. On friday i went out to our local spool place and rode it on me own for an hour or so, and this is the footage that i came out with.

I havent been riding much recently so these videos are a tad erm........lazy. I wouldnt say there is anything amazing in there, but maybe worth a watch :).

Let me know what you guys think.





bentravis - stock = 'little big man' by little man tate

bentravis - spools = 'livin a movie' by Kanye West

Edited by ben_travis
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Yeah Ben, loved them both, prefered the "stock" a bit but thos gaps to front in "spools" were amazing! (Y)

your definatly one of the sympatico riders! (Y) keep them comin

Edited by SubZero
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both videos were awesome ben, the masive dropgap in the stock video where you landed head first was insane.. you know how to hurt yourself ill give you that! :lol: looking forward to next video's :)

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  karsonlevoret said:
That was actually remarkably good, for some reason I had totally the wrong impression of you (not nessecerily (sp) bad), just different.

Bails on the spools were amusing. (Y)


go on, enlighten me as to what u mean haha :)..

cheers for comments fellas.

go rich, please tell.....i like to know what u did think. haha

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he blatently thought you were a right willy but doesn't wanna say haha.

ill edit when they download, well not straight after they download, ill watch them first i guess

EDIT: those vids were immense, that last bail in spools lmao. i just cant undarstand how you can gap do far aswell, bloody awesome

Edited by ash-kennard
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Smooth Trav, very nice to watch and some impressive shizzle going down. The spools one - Have you rode bervie spools yet, some amazing lines but you have to do a wee fence jump and can only go on a sunday but hey its worth it.

See you riding soon ben.

Chizz x

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  ash-kennard said:
he blatently thought you were a right willy but doesn't wanna say haha.

In all honesty; yes. I had the impression that you were another clone of Damon Watson who only knew how to tap gap and sidehop. In fact you appeared to be a very well rounded rider demonstating a variety of well honed and precision skills such as I had not expected.

Respect blud.

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haha, sweet.

i am a damon clone, but better looking, my accent is way cooler, im taller, so in all fact me and damon are nothing a like he just isnt as cool as me.

he is going to kill me after reading that. BUT its the truth im afraid.

cheers rich......

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  ben_travis said:
haha, sweet.

i am a damon clone, but better looking, my accent is way cooler, im taller, so in all fact me and damon are nothing a like he just isnt as cool as me.

he is sexier than you ben...

but you have the wisdom

Edited by chimpanzyyyy
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