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Spider Man Sucks Dont Bother


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My girlfriend went to see it and there was a powercut 1 hour in and everybody had to leave the cinema :lol: I'm guessing that the man out back pedalling like mad to power the screen must have gone on strike- it was Norfolk after all. Oh well maybe she didnt miss much if Dave's review is anything to go by!

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Why does a man who gets bitten by a spider get loads of powers. It's all messed up i tell thee.

I thought it was alright, the bit that annoyed me was when he was in his more emo look and dancing around the streets and stuff. Why would he do that.

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right, he gets poisoned or something, and turns black yeah... So why the f**k does his suite that is just clothing that he made and just wears, turn black!




Edited by ogre
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I went and watched it last night. What a let down compared to the other two. The other two were some where along the lines of reality. This was just blown way out of proportion. I didn't realize how long it was on for as well. Seemed to of went on abit too long.

Was not impressed don't bother wasting your money.


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The lamest bit about it, I thought, was how much of a loser the 'normal' Peter Parker was. He was so nerdy and dull, but at the same time being a bit of a cock about how he was famous.

Apart from that, I thought it was ok, the fight scenes were much more realistic than the first two movies.

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I enjoyed it to be fair, but knowing that there wasn't going to be the best storyline and plot helped. It was entertaining, fight scenes were definately the best part.

IMO, Venom's one of the best superhero bad guys around. I thought this would make an awesome film.

Probably going to see it tonight, don't care if people say it's shit, I may aswell.

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Story was abit cheesy.... Hated it when he turned 'Emo', there was just no need!

Alot of the scenes when he was the 'Emo' parker should have just been left out of the movie... as...

A ) Would of shortened the movie by a fair amount

B ) Wouldn't of made it so cheesy

C ) Would of been a whole lot better to watch... Fact!

As all the 'Emoness' spoiled it all (N)

Highlights... Fight scenes were awesome and the bit in the French Restaurant was pretty funny haha!

Ohhh... and Venom is the man, hes sooo minted, although he should of had his long tongue like in the comics! :P

All in all still a good film to watch! :)

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I enjoyed it, although the whole him walking down the street dancing along with all the hotties checking him out - what was that about? I swear it didn't really contribute at all to the story.

Bruce Campbell did make the resteraunt scene, he's such a legend. And Sideways guy (Sandman) was pretty good, although very wooden, always had the same sullen face and emotions.

It's fun.


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I went and watched it last night. What a let down compared to the other two. The other two were some where along the lines of reality. This was just blown way out of proportion. I didn't realize how long it was on for as well. Seemed to of went on abit too long.

Was not impressed don't bother wasting your money.


what the f**k LMAO i dont think so

hahaha I love that!

The newer movies always butcher the original comic books! Venom isnt just a black Spiderman, He had sharp teeth and a long tounge! :(

he does have teeth and tongue

venom has "poisoned" spider mans suit so wen he wears it hes evil, but its hard for him to take it off...

then sum guy gets "poisoned" by venom on his skin and turns in to the guy with the teeth n tongue..

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Venom is basically some form of an alien race called Symbiotes. It takes over his body and makes him more violet and hightens all the bad emotions making him a mean person. When he rips it off it is then attracted to Eddie Brock Jr. because of his hatred towards Peter Parker/Spiderman thus creating venom.

venomfullke1.th.jpg Venom in the film.

venomblackandwhiteit7.th.jpg Black and white comic version.

ultimatevenomet6.th.jpg and venom in his ultimate form (hopefully soon too become a tatoo)

The film was good but in all fairness there wasn't enough Venom. He is a bigger, better and stronger version of spiderman.

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Venom ruined it, hes absolutely crap.. in the cartoon eddie brock (the person the symbiote takes over after spider man) is a huge muscular guy who's a psychopath and venoms voice is spooky, in the film brock's a skinny little man with a girls voice. i cant believe they chose him for venom.

someone like this guy should play brock:


Not the idiot they picked.

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In the comics there are 3 different people that venom inhabits. The 1st one is eddie brock Jnr. The 2nd is some muscular gangster man and 3rd is someone i cant remember. If you remember those who saw the film, there is still some venom left that the doctor has.

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In the comics there are 3 different people that venom inhabits. The 1st one is eddie brock Jnr. The 2nd is some muscular gangster man and 3rd is someone i cant remember. If you remember those who saw the film, there is still some venom left that the doctor has.

im not talking about the comics,imtalking about the guy they used in the cartoon movie

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