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Hermance, Coust's, B Arnold, Hermance, Diaz


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but coust bros r shit at taps they need to learn from the master!

Ermmmm... I hope your joking mate... Coust Bros are amazing at tapping ( THE Best even )... no doubt about it

Not watched video yet, will download the now!

Edit: Thats a rather beast of a video... I'm loving the look of the 'Limted Edition' Koxx :o

Edited by Biker_Watson
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Ermmmm... I hope your joking mate... Coust Bros are amazing at tapping ( THE Best even )... no doubt about it

Not watched video yet, will download the now!

Edit: Thats a rather beast of a video... I'm loving the look of the 'Limted Edition' Koxx :o

Probably because they came up with the idea and developed it.

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That was rite good.

Dani comas made them static to back wheels look soo easy! I dent like look of new montys before but watching that and seeing them up close, they look mint. Seem very lite.

See hermance with style sidehopping over rail. :shades:

Good video!


Edited by Steve H
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Dani comas is on the monty, not really sure how you deduct that it's light, but i'd guess it's more to do with the fact that comas throws it around like it's nothing than anything else, but he does that with whatever he's riding.

Probably because they came up with the idea and developed it.

I certainley agree with the second half of that statement, but the first? Come on they can hardly claim to have invented taps, they are only a few years older than most of the older ones on here! I find it hard to believe the likes of cassio, vinco etc wern't tapping before the coust's.

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backwheeling without tapS!!! amazing!! alot harder to do hence it not looking as good, but the power to do it is stupid! and those hooks! using the edge of that wall! Wtf! the side hopes anad taps on that cruved wall looked too easy..

love it!

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