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Travel Insurance?


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Made a pathetic atempt to buy it online, and i really dunno what i'm doing and i have no idea what all the words mean.

Have to pick between £5 million and £10 million for medical expenses cover, how can you judge things like that?!

Anyway, is there anything in particular to look out for? Or should i just buy it and worry about things if and when they happen?

The one i'm looking at now is £50 anual, and that covers personal money, baggage and whatnot. Seem good? :S


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Depends where you're going and what you're planning to do.

  • If you're going to the States, get all the medical cover you can!
  • Make sure you're covered for any activities you want to do. Some have exceptions for sky diving, skiing and biking
  • Make sure that the policy has enough cover for any single expensive item you want to take (Camcorder, laptop) that isn't already covered, and you have enough total cover for all your belongings.

And that's basically it. Go with a reputable insurer, but otherwise you'll never know if they're good until you need them...

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Okies, looks like i'm going with 'the UK's most used' so, it must be half decent. I'll just have to be careful.

I'll get this bought, then i can start worrying about packing and where i get my money exchanged.

Thanks again (Y).

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I always use them, cheapest company I've found and they state all the seperate policy sub-sections so its easy to read and understand.

Make sure you have decent cancellation cover (i.e = or above the cost of your holiday), cover for cash/money, and the highest medical expenses cover you can for your budget.

Apologies if they're who you're using....

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