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Whats On Your Ctrl+v?

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  PaRtZ said:
My grandfather died in a concentration camp.... he fell out of a guard tower and broke his neck

hmm dont remeber copying that :S

Alan Partridge quote isnt it? I've heard it before whatever it is...

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It would be very hard to conduct a research in a way typical for adult people to get knowledge about kid’s needs. This is caused by they psychical immaturity, lower communication skills, and what is very important – protection from their parents. Therefore, we need to find out a different way, via which we will be able to learn about children from them.

In our opinion, one appropriate idea would be to enter kindergartens. We can there organize some sort of games and simple talks connected with fun and joy. All those activities would be attended by an experienced psychologist or just recorded on videotape and then analyzed by a children psychologist.

Working on some project for my uni.

Edited by zordon
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The keys of early typewriters were, sensibly enough, laid out in alphabetical order. The impetus for change was not exactly the yearning for blistering speed that has brought us together here today, but rather necessity. Early typewriters were mechanical and prone to jamming. The QWERTY layout solved that problem by spreading the popular keys across the board, inadvertently creating an ideal layout for distributing the effort of typing to all ten fingers rather than the traditional hunt and peck method. Progress and fate hand in hand once more.

HAHA learning to touch type!!! bloody hard

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-1r7,13m,-1rb,11c -1rb,11c,-1rb,10v -1r0,15r,-1r7,13m -1qd,182,-1r0,15r -1pg,19h,-1qd,182 -1nn,1b6,-1pg,19h -1mb,1br,-1nn,1b6 -1kf,1c4,-1lg,1c2 -1lg,1c2,-1mb,1br -17l,1c4,-1kf,1c4 -pp,1c4,-17l,1c4 -ed,1c4,-pp,1c4 -cj,1bq,-ed,1c4 -7u,1ao,-cj,1bq -6a,1f,-7r,-16 -4g,197,-7u,1ao -6a,1h,-3,4k 6p,10f,-4g,197 -1i,1i,1i,1i -3,4k,61,7g 1i,1i,am,1i 61,7g,8b,8c f6,ra,6p,10f 8b,8c,bv,91 am,1i,bg,1f bg,1f,cf,13 cf,13,d4,g bv,91,ck,93 d4,g,d9,a d9,b,dd,0 de,1j,po,e ch,93,ig,9u g6,qm,f6,ra ht,rr,gt,pn gs,pn,gg,qd gg,qd,g6,qm ig,9u,jc,9u jp,tv,ht,rr jc,9u,k6,9p k6,9p,kt,9g lv,ve,jp,tv lf,-2o,pa,-2o kt,9g,lm,8s lm,8s,m4,8d pl,103,n3,vr n3,vr,lv,ve pa,-2o,129,-2o po,e,15s,-i t1,vu,pl,103 100,v8,t1,vu up,a0,11h,ap 12t,uf,vv,v9 129,-2o,13p,-2s 11e,ao,1e1,ev 13p,-2s,155,-34 16h,sp,12t,uf 155,-34,163,-3j 163,-3j,175,-4g 15p,-i,1if,8 1d4,q3,16h,sp 175,-4g,17o,-58 17o,-58,185,-62 1hq,oc,1d4,q3 1e0,ev,1gd,fc 1et,-6j,1fd,-69 1fd,-69,1hf,-4h 1gd,fc,1i0,ff 1hf,-4h,1jm,-35 1pd,lm,1hq,oc 1if,8,1kr,e 1i0,ff,1lt,ff 1jm,-35,1kt,-2k 1kt,-2k,1n2,-29 1kr,e,201,1o 1lr,fe,1ou,ev 1mt,-2a,1o6,-24 1o6,-24,1qe,-1v 1pd,ll,1s9,ku 1qe,-1v,1t5,-1v 1s9,ku,217,jh 1t5,-1v,213,-1v 201,1o,21u,1l 245,-2h,211,-1u 217,jh,23d,ik 21u,1l,22m,1h 22m,1h,2am,4c 2g8,-8,243,-2h 243,cr,2a5,ea 23d,ik,250,hn 250,hn,274,fm 274,fm,284,eg 2am,4c,2j1,67 2gb,gd,2a5,e9 2ql,g,2g8,-8 2o0,ir,2gb,gd 2j1,67,2td,84 2p7,j3,2o0,ir 2tq,j5,2p7,j3 2qm,f,2tn,l 2tn,l,2vu,l 2td,84,35t,8h 34c,i9,2tq,j5 2vu,l,38e,l 36f,i1,34b,i9 35t,8h,396,8f 393,hc,36f,i1 38c,l,3fa,9 3ah,gp,393,hc 3dm,en,3ah,gp 3n4,7p,3dm,en 3fa,9,3kt,8 3kt,9,3mf,l 427,-m,3n5,7p #

my free rider track I think?

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