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Premiere Help Needed


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Question #1

I've got two clips filmed on one spot with the camera on a tripod. In the 1st clip, I'm doing something on the left side of the picture, in the 2nd one - on the right side. I want to connect the two clips into one so it looks like there was two of me. There are a few really complicated ways of doing this in Premiere and After Effects, surely there must be an easy way? (Please don't suggest opacity settings, that's useless).

Question #2

Just a random image to make things clear. How can I make the green transparent so that video will play from underneath?

Question #3

How can I get colour pass to work on a few colours at the same time?

Well, that's about it :)

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Right i'm in 7.0 but it should be similiar:

1. Put one clip on top of the other and then select the clip that's on top. Go to the effects window and video effects. Under the 'Transform' seciton there should be a 'Crop' effect. Drag that onto the clip and then go to the effect controls. If you want to remove the right side of this image then just increase the numbers next to the text that says 'right' untill it's cropped enough.

2. Put that image on top of the video (and spread it ouyt the length you need) and then under the 'Video Effects' go to the 'Keying' folder. Drag the 'Chroma Key' effect onto the image and then go to the image controls. In the colour use the eye droplet to simply click on the green colour of your image which will make that colour transparent.

3. Just add more than one colour pass for different effects? I'm not so sure on that one.

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