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Unpainted Frame?

Stvn V.

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In theory yes it will weigh less but saying that it will only be a very small amount of grams, not worth taking the paint off at all.....And on some frames can even weaken the frame slightly around the welds when good paint is removed.....

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zoo's are not painted i dont think just lacqured i might be wrong thoug but they look good.

and removing paint does not in any way weaken a frame its not poosible that paint strengthens he frame.

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zoo's are not painted i dont think just lacqured i might be wrong thoug but they look good.

and removing paint does not in any way weaken a frame its not poosible that paint strengthens he frame.

can actually make it stronger in the slightest bit hehe eg. powdercoating the frame has a really hard finish but not even worth talking about to be honest.

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To be honest i dont think there is any point at all stripping the paint off. For 1 you make the bike look worst than it does with stickers and with a couple of grams off your not going to notice any big difference when riding. Just notice the looks of other people around thinking your bike looks a mess. I say stick with original and keep stickers and paint. Personal opinion though.


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Aluminum shouldn't rust.

You WILL save about half a gram taking the paint off

and it is possible to weaken the metal if you use a really 'aggressive' agent to strip the paint. (I think)

It doesn't, it oxodises into a non-pourous material, so only the top surface 'rusts'.

Are bike paints lighter than house paints? Cus buckets of paint are quite heavy....

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if you use an aggressive paint stripping agent it will weaken the metal if u leave it on to long like overnight but to take of the layers of paint it wouldnt unless the frame is made from really cheap metal like a few brands i could name

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It doesn't, it oxodises into a non-pourous material, so only the top surface 'rusts'.

Are bike paints lighter than house paints? Cus buckets of paint are quite heavy....

Lighter because a 'bike paint' is Basically a spray paint can.

Also house paints are thicker.

Matt Rushton

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Well yes it should make the frame lighter but as everyone says by so little amount. So why do monty koxx etc spend so much money on buying brake levers and ti bolts and other silly little stuff that will also only save a few grams, its silly how much people pay to save a gram or 2, does kinda make you wonder why manufactures that are all about light bikes i.e monty and koxx do bother painting frames? maybe it is because if not painted then they will look kack and therefore will not sell many? Anyone else agree or disagree with that? Lets face it if you are rich enough to spend like twice price to save a few grams on any component your going to want it to look like you spent twice the price ehh

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removing paint won't make the frame weaker, its just what you use to get it off...

use nitromorse and wipe off after an hour and it won't weaken the frame and it will take all the paint off.

DON'T leave it on over night as nitromorse is pretty corrosive stuff.

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Schwinn bikes went through a phase of only anodising their top end frames and labelling it 'zero weight paint'. So, if you dont want a painted frame but dont like polished/dull aluminium then anodising could be for you.

Fun fact for today: Jumbo jets that have a polished aluminium finish do so primarily to reduce weight. Its a lot of surface area that if painted would be added weight which has a significant effect on fuel consumption on international flights.

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Schwinn bikes went through a phase of only anodising their top end frames and labelling it 'zero weight paint'. So, if you dont want a painted frame but dont like polished/dull aluminium then anodising could be for you.

Fun fact for today: Jumbo jets that have a polished aluminium finish do so primarily to reduce weight. Its a lot of surface area that if painted would be added weight which has a significant effect on fuel consumption on international flights.

anodising hardens the surface making it more brittle? more likely to crack?

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paint can be up to and beyond 200g, thats like half a pound off the bike.

anodising is lightest though, and tougher...I wouldnt worry about it being more brittle, think how many anodised parts there are on the bike.

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paint can be up to and beyond 200g, thats like half a pound off the bike.

anodising is lightest though, and tougher...I wouldnt worry about it being more brittle, think how many anodised parts there are on the bike.

200g! That's unberleavable :o

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anodising hardens the surface making it more brittle? more likely to crack?

Anodising will surface harden the aluminium but this is a good thing. Its essentially an oxide layer produced from the parent metal which can be coloured. Typically used for components that require wear or corrosion resistance (or to look pretty) so not that important for a frame. Theres no negative effects on strength etc.

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