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Hey, I've read the stickies and I dont know if this is a small question but yeah... I planning on getting into trial biking and I was just looking for some advice. I've tried Google before you ask but most of the results are pretty gash and I didnt really get my questions answered as fully as I'd like.

I'm guessing most of you build your own bikes but I'm not sure where to start which is why I'll probably just buy one pre-built, but I was wondering how generic they were, Am I able to mod it in future or will the parts not fit from other manufacturers? I know the major differences between the 20" and the 26" but the purposes are still a little unclear, the 20" is for an off road natural terrain and the 26" is more for streets e.t.c? I dont know any good / reliable manufacturers either.

If anyone could give me a few pointers or link any deacent manufacturer/information websites it'd be much appreciated.

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Hey, I've read the stickies and I dont know if this is a small question but yeah... I planning on getting into trial biking and I was just looking for some advice. I've tried Google before you ask but most of the results are pretty gash and I didnt really get my questions answered as fully as I'd like.

I'm guessing most of you build your own bikes but I'm not sure where to start which is why I'll probably just buy one pre-built, but I was wondering how generic they were, Am I able to mod it in future or will the parts not fit from other manufacturers? I know the major differences between the 20" and the 26" but the purposes are still a little unclear, the 20" is for an off road natural terrain and the 26" is more for streets e.t.c? I dont know any good / reliable manufacturers either.

If anyone could give me a few pointers or link any deacent manufacturer/information websites it'd be much appreciated.


I'm new as well but I've spent ages looking for the best option for a bike. If you read my topic (I'm new to trials, but I need a bike!) it may give you some help! From what I've found, its much better to buy a stock model and then modify it, rather than build it from scratch.

Onza is a good begginer make, cheap for what you get. Generally it is all personal opinion on the best makes. Try ebay for cheaper stuff.

I am in no way an expert, but this is all from looking for a bike for myself (which I stil have not found)!

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If I were in your boots & on the lookout for my first bike, what I would probably do is hit ebay (budget) or one of the trials shops (Tarty or the like) for a complete bike. You could also find it very useful to take a quick look over the For Sale/Wanted section of the forum for someone selling a whole bike.

Most every part of a trials bike is completely generic. More or less any combination of frame, forks, headset, BB & cranks will go together fine.

Alot of trials bikes however require a 128mm BB, about 10mm wider than the max for most other types of bike.

As a general rule the headset/steerer tube of your fork will be 1.125". The same as most mountain bikes.

One of the biggest differences between trials specific frames & other types of bike is in the brake mounts. Trials bikes are designed to run with Magura rim brakes alot of the time & get 4-bolt mounts as opposed to v-brake mounts.

The drive-train you choose will be pretty important as well. Trials is pretty hard on cranks, chains & rear hubs. So standard mountain bike parts will rarely do the job for much longer than a day or two.

edit: As for manufacturer information, I reckon this forum might be one of your best bets. Choose a product & search for user reviews on it specifically. Most of the time someone will point you in the right direction pretty sharpish.

Edited by darrenhopper
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Well done on getting validated i can see why was a great structed post so ill give a dencent reply lol

As for the up and downsides of mod (20") and Stock (26") they can suit different people and to be honest the only way you can really decide which bike you really want to choose is to go on a ride and just try out other peoples rides! i started on a stock and i found it far too big for me, but after buying it i stuck with it for a few years, mostly older, (stronger?) riders use them.

As for street and Natural i think there both about the same, 1s not for 1 and 1 for the other. Obiously on a stock you have a longer reach, more powerful tapps e.t.c, but mods are lighter smaller and easier. So its totally down to personal prefrence...!

And buying a bike i would really only use friends and on here, i mean you can buy top spec bikes for 4-5hundered pounds on here, it may be a bit battered or scratched but you get a lot more value for your money, and dont need to be constantly upgrading your bike! and seeing as a basic t-pro is 400pounds buying 2nd hand is what i would do if i had the chance to start all over again!

Depends how much money you have as trials costs a small shed load of cash a year!

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Thanks for the replies! Been a great help.

Depends how much money you have as trials costs a small shed load of cash a year!

I'm pretty used to that, I'm a computer enthusiast so I buy parts a lot. I'm thinking about going for a mod, If I had one I know I'd really use it a lot e.t.c. So I was wondering if there was any point in getting an expensive one and learning how to use it? Or get a cheaper one and get a more expensive one when I get better? The more expensive option seems more sensible to me but I was wondering what you guys think? :turned:

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Thanks for the replies! Been a great help.

I'm pretty used to that, I'm a computer enthusiast so I buy parts a lot. I'm thinking about going for a mod, If I had one I know I'd really use it a lot e.t.c. So I was wondering if there was any point in getting an expensive one and learning how to use it? Or get a cheaper one and get a more expensive one when I get better? The more expensive option seems more sensible to me but I was wondering what you guys think? :turned:

Always a difficult one...

It's like... some people have a bad idea about cycling, because they never rode a smooth riding bike and can only think of old rusty deutch bikes with one gear. If I had to start it all over again, I would probably buy a full second-hand bike, then upgrade it if some of the parts are really battered. You'll have a top-spec bike for half the price of new, and it will still last you a fair bit. Then if you get completely hooked to trials, you'll spend as much money as you deem necessary to simply feel good on your bike. :lol:

True that with a 26inch bike, you'll still be able to find parts in a regular MTB shop (tires, stems, bars, forks, cranks sometimes, gears... chain etc..)

But mods are really fun too. Try both if you can before you buy...

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I told me dad about it and he said "Aslong as its not another kids bike" (I have a crappy BMX) so I guess I'm going to go for a stock to keep him happy >_<

I was looking at this http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=157

I couldnt really find a deacent review on it, Is it any good?

If anyone could recommend one that would be great too, I think I'm willing to spend upto around 700 quid max. (Need to save cash for the Wacken Beer Fund! :lol:)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey - I know its a double post but the thread died :P My bike just arrived, Just like to say thanks to Tartybikes and everyone who helped me on the forums <3

what bike did you end up getting? the t-rex??

i got my first trials bike a few weeks back. custom built t-rex and its totally awesome.. spent too much money on it like but its mint now. if you got spec 1 id recommend goin single speed

i tried learning trials on my old hardtail mtb and never got anywhere and after only a day of 2 on the t-rex i can already do some pedal kicks and that.

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Yeah, I got a spec 1 t-rex. Not been on it yet, the tyres are flat and I dont have a pump with a presta valve :( Going to get one tomorrow morning. I dont know how to mod it with new parts, But the trials Wiki is looking pretty good, so hopfully that'll help.

Kinda annoying cause ages ago I was watching video and I was pretty much obsessed, I ordered the bike and a few other bits and bobs, Then I read the News on Tarty, They were moving premises so they couldnt dispatch for another 2 weeks. So today at 4 o'clock it still hadent arrived, I got the tracking number and phoned APC at about 5:30, She said they would come within an hour. 2 and a half hours later I was trying to phone back but no one would pick up, I was so pissed I came up with things to say like "I know were you live" or "I have your daughter", but it did eventually come so I'm a happy chappy :D

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Yeah, I got a spec 1 t-rex. Not been on it yet, the tyres are flat and I dont have a pump with a presta valve :( Going to get one tomorrow morning. I dont know how to mod it with new parts, But the trials Wiki is looking pretty good, so hopfully that'll help.

Kinda annoying cause ages ago I was watching video and I was pretty much obsessed, I ordered the bike and a few other bits and bobs, Then I read the News on Tarty, They were moving premises so they couldnt dispatch for another 2 weeks. So today at 4 o'clock it still hadent arrived, I got the tracking number and phoned APC at about 5:30, She said they would come within an hour. 2 and a half hours later I was trying to phone back but no one would pick up, I was so pissed I came up with things to say like "I know were you live" or "I have your daughter", but it did eventually come so I'm a happy chappy :D

Yeah similar happened to me only not as big... Couldn't get parts from tarty so was without bike for 2 weeks.

It's pretty weird how fast you learn stuff regarding modding and changing parts. I got my bike second hand off this very forum and it came in bits so I had to assemble it myself. After that it needed new parts so I just tried to fit them myself and it's pretty easy, mostly common sense.

I'm trying to learn everything so I never have to take it to a bike shop again. Just got it back after some crappy bike shop had it for over 2 weeks. I'd rather just try myself and if I mess up it was goin to the shop anyway so...

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Went out yesterday for the first time on my new bike, cycled into the hills to pratice / take some pictures, next thing so I wake up in hospital and they said I had a concussion >_< I wanted a Try-All pisspot but the only website I could find it on was in another language and I didnt think I was going to do anything stupid since I was new, but I cant even remember what I did :(

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Went out yesterday for the first time on my new bike, cycled into the hills to pratice / take some pictures, next thing so I wake up in hospital and they said I had a concussion >_< I wanted a Try-All pisspot but the only website I could find it on was in another language and I didnt think I was going to do anything stupid since I was new, but I cant even remember what I did :(


add me to msn biketrialsmedia@hotmail.com, we have a scottish trials series (http://www.nbtc-scotland.com) that you should try get along to. I may also be able to point you in the right way of riders to hook up with in the central belt.



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