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Rimjam Pads


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called me biased and sticking up for a mate...

Yea i know Joe and yes im shite at setting up pads on a doggy rim, but when you go upto things you genrally dont tend to use your brakes too much! watching you do it scares the shit outta me, i think i maybe use them too agressivly :) and this was never an attack on willy just wondering if this was a wider spread problem than hadleigh :)

Haha Hudson he noes you well.

Na hes alright he brought my bike off me sound to deal with! but just been putting a lot of un-nessasary posts in which wind one up :)

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This has happened to me aswell. Loved the pads, probs the best i have had to be honest. One day however, i was setting up the wheel with the bike upright and one pad just fell out. The Magura Piston had snapped.... clean off. Im glad something is being done about this as this has caused great inconvienience it seems to alot of people.

Edited by Ross Gardner
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4. Finally, there is the issue of the TPA. If pads are tested on new well adjusted brakes it does not show itself....but as your pads wear down and you twist the TPA knob....the further the nipple pushes out so pad can hit rim........thus the leverage to break it is greatly increased.

That is such a good point!

As for the Rimjam V3's, I had one of the first sets to test before TartyBikes stocked them and they worked VERY well. It was probably the most "graby" brake I've ever had. The bite was awesome. I had them for around 4 weeks I think, and many people were asking "what pads are they?" on rides etc. I think if Chris can improve the backings like he says he is doing, they will be one of the best pads on the market.


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and all you said i was stupid to buy my pads for 32 quid (phat pads in cnc backing) and i have no problem at all with them seems like




you bought the wrong pad even if you just bought the power pro backing your only spending a tenner still cheaper than rim jam and to be honest they work just as well, same as gavs HEATSINKS BLUES they work just as good as mine

i know this dont help but maybe some people may have not set up the brake once in a while so the pad may be slightly off the rim, could that be the reason because when you would pull the brake in there would be nothing stopping the pad off the rim causing more force and accidently snappin the prong

thats just a thought im not saying thats how it could happen

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they have just snapped my bros pistons to :(:angry: and both my backins have just snapped in half, after riding leeds ! ! good job i have some more ! i will get a pic ov them up laters ! !


Me personally have never ran Rim jam pads but what i saw/heard of Sam Wheeler's in Birmingham they were beasty. Then again Jonny Mc's set just completely f**ked up. Clips snapped and the pads snapped in half.

A few of my mates ran the old rim jams (the reds, greens and blue's). All of theres f**ked up also. Clips either snapped, wore down stupidly quick, wobbled in the cylinders.

Apart from Sam Wheelers i have seen/heard nothing but bad things about Rim jam pads i am afraid to say.


Jonny Mc's:




thats what happend to mine they broke in half ! !in the same spots ! !

Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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not sure how relelvant this is but reguarding people saying theyve never had any problems... I had about 4 sets of rimjams (all different colours) not sure what version that makes them, Gave a few sets to mates, Some overglazed, some came off the backings and some were fine.. I personally never had a problem with them, rimjam greens (i think) with a grind was the best brake I'd ever ridden on but it only lasted one full day..

In my personal opinion, Magura Backings are one of the only things magura got right and making ally backings is just another thing to "pimp" your bike with.. However, its good you've addressed a problem, accepted some responsibility and are attempting to fix the problem for the new versions.

Keep it up.

Im stayin with plazmatics for now though :)

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