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Bikeshow - 28-04-07

Joe Papasnap Maher

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not happy at all 20 quid to get in and every year it seems to get smaller and i hate how chain reactionare online i want to buy stuff there and then

trials section was poop even eil said theres nothing to do and the rules are so strict they wouldnt let him sidehop the gate

there was nothing like the 05 show where you had thin stuff and logs to balance on etc.

what was that pointless thing where they tried to se how fast they could pull out of a gate?

dirt jumping they were just about making it over the jumps.

not happy at all

got koxx blues that was best part

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we spotted you and sir radcliff on the finish line of the sprint then we got moved on because we were a fire hazard...

Hahaha yer..

me and chris had like the exact smae reactions and were taking pics at the exact same time...was well odd haha.

Fire hazard, LMAO...just adds another reason as to why it was alod of bullshit lol

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