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Computer /computer Game Problem....


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Ok, so i downloaded the Steam program from www.steampowered.com.

I opened my account and then i bought counterstrike: source. It charged me fine and then downloaded last night and today.

Once complete, you can double click or right click etc to launch the game, but the pc just restarts.

I have tried in different resolutions, i have tried staring the game directly from the start menu, with everything possible turned off to reduce memory useage, i have tried everything and cannot get the game to work.

Nothing needs updating, windows or drivers etc, and other games work fine.

Please help!!!


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It's different to when I used to play but yeah sounds like a graphics issue - mine used to do that.

Get the latest drivers for your GFX card, also make sure you have the latest DirectX - also check game res settings - use lowest first and work up until it runs poorly / not at all.

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For it to completely restart you comp thats one major crash. Can you post you system specs please.

Of the top of me head, sounds like either your machine ain't up to it, or a hardware failure/driver issue.

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ok a few things i would check:-

1) check all drivers are the latest and direct X

2) turn it all off, and unplug, make sure CPU fan is properly seated....just wondering if its getting hot...mind you does it play other games?

3) right click MY COMPUTER > MANAGE > EVENT VIEWER > check application and system, it records what made it crash here, can you post a screenshot.

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ok it plays need for speed underground no probs and MS flight sim 2007.

All drivers are up to date, physically, nothing is wrong with the pc as i can tell.

The screen shot you want is a bit tough as i can literally scroll down for probably a minute.

in attatchments when i double click, i get this basically all the way down

Similar gibberish in the others too.

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What rating is your power supply? I had a crappy PSU once that upon loading a level in high detailed games, caused my computer to restart to stop it overloading. Now the only problem with this idea is that it only happened when the game was loading a level, in your case your trying to open the CS menu, which it should do just as well as it does the XP desktop. Have a look inside, make sure its of the correct watt'age and make sure your graphics card power connector has a sufficient amount of power coming directly from the psu.... it has different rails and things so might be set up wrong.

In this case it could be a bad sector of your harddrive, but this would more than likely just inform you there was a read error, or fail to open it at all.

It could well be the RAM, if the ram is faulty then soemthing CS does upon opening could be causing a problem and causing the computer to restart, though if it did i think it would show up a blue screen shortly before restarting.

It definately sounds like its a hardware fault rather than a software one. If it was software windows "should" be able to run while having it classed as a non responding program.

First thing i'd do is right click on CS in the steam menu and choose to back up the game files.... whatever the problem is it'll be a pain in the ass downloading the updates all over again.

turn off the "Restart after system failure" option, which would be a good idea to see what the problem is. To turn that option off, right click my computer, go to properties, advanced, under start up and recovery click on settings, and the option should be under the System Failure section. Hopefully now instead of restarting straight away you'll get an idea of whats happening.

Also try going into the steam folder on the hard drive then deleting the client registry.blob. Restart steam and it'll re-download it, might fix it :S

Also try right clicking on cs:s then clicking properties, then go to the local files tab. If you havn't backed it up, do it now... whack a blank dvd disc in and click the backup button. Once you've done this click the verify integrity one... if its bad delete the files and re-install them, from disc first, then from the net if that fails. Also try defragmenting the files.

Other than that.... not using a geforce 6200 are you :P

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