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Lubricating Freewheels


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I bought a pair of cranks with an ACS claw (welded) free wheel fitted. when you spin the freewheel it felt a bit rough and occasionally jammed. So I drowned it in WD40 (I'm thinking this may not have been my wisest move) and the solvent in the WD40 dissolved a LOT of crap out of there (and any grease/oil that was in there), it now spins much more freely but still jams occasionally (I am just spinning it by hand, not on the bike yet). I'm now thinking removing any lubrication from inside the freewheel may not have been very clever for the longevity of the freewheel.

What should I do, am I worrying about nothing, I cannot strip and lubricate the mech as its the welded version. I have bought a second hand TryAll incase I have shafted the ACS, and the TryAll also has a slight jam/drag occasionally (and many more engagement points, feels much nicer in that respect).

Do freewheels drag and stiffen up occasionally and am I worrying about nothing or is there something that can be done about it?? its not like they are locking solid or anything that serious and on the bike it will probably not be particularly noticeable.

Am I being silly or can I do anything to make them super smooth?

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I did the same to my ACS Claw. Because they're just cheap, not-so-great freewheels, it's not really the end of the world if they're not oiled or anything. WD-40, or GT-85 (preferably) can go into them as a lube. When you ride it it'll probably settle down.

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Cool, I'll get some light machine oil in it before I run it. To be honest its a cheap freewheel that was in with the cranks, I don't really care if its killed it, I just need to know not to do it again (esp with the tryall ;) ).


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I've worked out how to get the TryAll apart ;) the cover thing was not on tight and it does look a little dirty/gritty in there. Can I strip and service it? I assume I need to lubricate/grease the bearings and their surfaces but not the pawl/ratchet section.

any more advice?

EDIT: Also I got a metal ring with a step on it, sort of like a spacer/locator ringthat would fit over the threads, what is that for???

Edited by Bill_B
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