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Trials Bike Lisence


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All relevant forms should be available on the website www.ukbiketrial.co.uk , either in downloads or links

The most important thing is to enter the trial ,some you have to pre enter some you can enter on the day, if you are just starting find the club nearest to you and speak to the secetary to find an event that will be suitable for you ,all competitors in the Genuine British Championship will qualify for a free BIU license ,forms are downloadable from the website, if you do not have yours in advance of the day forms can, if necessary be filled in then.

As far as club membership is concerned ,

There are ACU affiliated clubs all over the country, we recommend you join and support your local club each club may make a charge for membership,some to cover the cost of admin or a newsletter some may not charge at all.

To obtain your ACU license you have to fill out an application form ,which will be countersigned by the club which you are a member of,the club will have the forms or ring the ACU on 01788 566400 in advance of the event you would fill out the form and if it is your firist application attach a photo and send with a ten pound fee to the ACU , alternatively you could fill the form out at a trial ,preferably bringing a photo if necesary with you ( if you forget this can be sorted out later)

best good luck


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