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a while ago i snapped my mech hanger and well it peed me of..

So i made a tensioner,(well got one of a mate, and basically its a spoon)

its good, ish...

its holds tension but it looks f**kign daft and when i apply pressure it flxes like a twat and i have a feeling that its going to snap one day and kill me.


if i wer to take a link out of my chain it would be to tight, but if i was to get a half link i could probaly run it without a tensioner?now is this a good idea?

i heard that half links and poo and snap e.t.c???

Id love to not run a tensioner, and i know your chain strecthes but it would last for 4-5 months surely?

i could just buy a hanger and go back to my mech, but i really dont want to..

another thing that anoys me it having my gearing"22-18)i have to have a longihs chain else its to short and i have to have my tesnioner near vertical, and the fact its a ladel spooon whihc is huge.

i cannot afford to get a differnt gear...

thats not really the main issues, so should i get a half link or not?


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Buy a new mech and a fixed tensioner such as fresh products one ect and then you dont have a problem of ever snapping a mech, it would makes things alot better for the future than bodging it and you no it will work where as half link chain idea might not. Thats just my view and what i would do.

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ive herd good things.

another issues, my chain has to be longish cause i cannot take another link out, ill probs have to run the tensioner quite vertical, will that incresase the chances of it loosenin of?

it'll bend if u have it like that when you land on it u need it to be near the chain stay ..

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